Gastric Band Weight Management Hypnotherapy In Cornwall with Trevor Wales
"As a "Virtual" Gastric Band Hypnotherpy practitioner working in the field of natural health and wellness therapies for almost two decades, everything I do is driven by a passion and a desire to help the people who work with me as their therapist of choice create positive change in their lives, to feel good about themselves and to help them overcome obstacles and challenges that hold them back, freeing them to create the life they want to live."
Face to Face therapy appointments available at my therapy practice in Par, St Austell. Appointments available world wide via Video link Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or Facebook . Free no obligation initial consultation of up to 30 mins. To reserve your free consultaion and make a booking please call 01726 816947 or 07740 190261. Alternatively you may make your reservation by email via the contact form on the contact page to:-
Do you live in Cornwall or Devon and are wondering about using Gastric Band Hypnotherapy to help you dramatically decrease your size and weight?
Are you very overweight and do you need to shed two stone or more in weight and have a body mass index of over 35?
Has your doctor been advising you for some time about the health risks of being seriously overweight?
You may be suitable for Gastric band hypnotherapy treatment
Diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep apnea, Depression, Joint pain, Infertility, Cancer, GERD, Asthma
Would you like to manage your weight using gastric band surgery without having to go under the knife?
Having a "virtual "gastric band fitted during hypnosis is an ingenious way that has been helping very overweight people shed pounds and lead a much healthier lifestyle with more energy and stamina without undergoing risky, potentially dangerous and very expensive surgical procedures. The whole process is non-invasive, completely safe and uses no drugs or surgery whatsoever and is completely pain free.
If your health and mobility is at a point where you really do need to loose a lot of weight and want to talk to someone who can help you every step of the way and who is non- judgemental , caring and empathic, call me today for a free 30 minute discrete and confidential consultation and start on your journey to a new slimmer, fitter you. Call Trevor Wales on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.
Private Gastric band surgical treatments which can be risky and very uncomfortable with many unpleasant side effects currently cost over £8000.00.The cost of a course of gastric band hypnotherapy treatment is very reasonable when compared to the costs of private surgery.
Gastric band surgery has had excellent success results for overweight people who want to lose weight; but it is extremely expensive and can be very risky with many, very unpleasant side effects. An average person undergoing this method will shed half their excess weight in the first 2 years - many will shed far more in less time. Any type of surgery has possible complications. However hypnosis can help you to feel that you really have had this surgery performed on you, enabling you to eat far smaller portions without feeling hungry and without the side effects of invasive surgery. Gastric Band Hypnosis Weight management is becoming increasingly popular.
The success stories of having a hypnotic gastric band treatment have been well documented in the news and on the internet recently with a reported success rate of 80%, which is higher than actually having the surgical procedure which only works for 70% of people. Typical reports from clients that have had the Gastric band treatment are that they can only manage to eat small amounts of food after the hypnotherapy session and continue to shed weight at a steady pace.
Many clients worldwide have already experienced the benefit of "Virtual" Gastric Band Hypnotherapy and found themselves being able to shedding weight consistently and naturally and then being able to manage their weight. through diet and exercise with a completley altered mind set in regards to their health and wellness and diet and exercise. If you are in the category of clinically obese can shed the same amount of weight as someone who has actually had the surgery performed on them.
Here are some photographs of one of my very successful and very happy, Weight control clients, Julie, who achieved dramatic results using my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy programme. The first was taken in July 2012 before the treatment and the second in January 2013. .
Posted with kind permission from my client . People often wonder does hypnotherapy really create long term solutions?
The answer is in the picture below. Update July 2020. 8 years later.
People often wonder if hypnosis really can help create long term mindset and lifestyle changes with all that life throws at us and my clients photograph is the evidence that, yes it can.
Face to Face and Online appointments in Cornwall Devon and nationally and internationally via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp and Facebook
Below is some of Julie's historical testimony of how satisfied she feels about her weight management journey ,taken from my testimonial page.
Less of Julie
Hi, I want to tell you about my weight reduction through hypnotherapy. I have been seeing Trevor Wales for just over a month. In that time I have lost 1st 6 lb. I cannot say how over the moon I am, I feel more positive than I have been for many years. I am taking more exercise [and enjoying it] with zumba, walking & the gym. I was at an end with my weight and feeling so low, I had even gone as far as to see a doctor about having a gastric band opp, but I came across hypnotherapy and thought I would give this a go. And so glad I did, I have found Trevor to be kind & understanding, a complete professional. I will keep you updated on my progress. Julie.
Here is another update on Julie’s progress. 24th Sept 2012. Hi Trevor, just to let you know I have done my weekly weight and I am so pleased as being on holiday i did not think i would lose any, but I have. 3 lb. so as to date that’s 2 st 10 lb., the gastric band hypnotherapy is really working , and I’ve never felt better in many years, so all going well, so thank you Trevor.
An update on Julie’s progress as of November 20th 2012:-
Hi Trevor, just an update on how things are going, weight is at 13st 10lbs so going well.Still well into the tapes, mind-set still very focused & doing well with diet and exercise, now added kettle bell to it as well. I feel my progress is well on track so will not need the December meeting, will keep you up dated by email, wish you both a merry Christmas. Julie.
An update as of 29th January 2013:-
Hi Trevor, as promised even though a little later than expected a photo, glad to see things are going well for you with the hypnotherapy. Hope you and Caroline are well, just to let you know my weight is now 13 stone 6lb so still coming off, hope the photo is ok. Kind Regards Julie.
From my Facebook page:- Good luck to anyone doing the weight management programme, if I can do it, you can. I am still wanting to lose a bit more but can now see light at the end of the tunnel.xx Julie Ley.
An update as of 05 Oct 2013 :-
This just in from Julie Ley ,my Gastric band client.
"Well its been a while since a gave an update on how things are going, Really pleased to say I am now down under 12 st, with only 5 lbs to go to my target weight 11 st 8 lbs. At the time I said to Trevor I was not sure where I wanted to get to in weight, only that I would find where I was happy at. I have found that with the exercise and the way I eat is just normal to me now, so I am still losing weight. I am also into the next size down ,so have gone from 24 -26 to 14. I am so pleased. I do not weigh that often now but have this week. Hypnotherapy has been the tool to my weight loss, but many other things have changed for me apart from this. So thank you Trevor without your help I would not be where I am now."
Speaking to my client Julie back in July, just one year later,Julie has made a complete change in lifestyle which centres around healthy eating and regular exercise, including regular walks with the family dog on the beach,zumba and kettle bells. The groundwork of this all achieved through changing thinking and behaviour patterns around food and eating through hypnosis, coupled with regular support and check ins that form the basis of my gastric band hypnotherapy programme.
A further update as of January 2014
As of January 2014 Julie is now a size 14 dress size having gone down from a size 26. Proof that Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals. Julie says that this is the best money she spent on anything as it has given her back her old life again of feeling fit and healthy.
That deserves a huge round of applause for Julie for showing such dedication and commitment !
This is an excellent showcase for highlighting what the power of hypnosis and continuous focused thought and action can achieve. Why not call me today and see how I can help you? Call Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions on :- 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.
I have many successful stories on my website from satisfied clients and you can read all about them by visiting my testimonials page
The Gastric band hypnotherapy programme is a highly specialized treatment which goes beyond normal weight management where the client only needs to shed a few pounds or more. The system is intended for clients who have two stone or more to lose and have a BMI of 35 or over.
- NB.If you think you may be border line diabetic or have any other medical problems which would be exacerbated by weight reduction treatment hypnotherapy please consult your GP before proceeding any further as to the suitability of hypnosis in helping you to lose weight.
The Gastric band programme I use has been professionally developed by a panel of the UK’s leading hypnotherapists and has been used for some considerable time with very successful results. It runs over approximately thirteen- fifteen hours, most of which are two hour sessions with the main Gastric band session at three hours and additional follow up one hour sessions.
I structure these sessions over several weeks at three to four week intervals to allow time for you to start to see the changes in your thinking, your eating habits and your weight reduction.
Each session is uniquely scripted for your individual needs and is recorded onto CD for your personal use. Up to the Gastric band hypnotic operation procedure, you will need to listen to each CD you are given,on headphones for maximum effect.
These preparation sessions must be played frequently, ideally daily, up until your next appointment. This is for hypnotic reinforcement which assists the changes in thinking and behaviour to become permanent, which helps with the elimination of snacking, binge eating etc. The reason you will need to listen daily is because of the fact that our brains learn by repetition and the subconscious mind needs to be re-patterned. It is helpful for you to understand how hypnosis works that both the subconscious and conscious minds are part of our brain and the subconscious which is non judgemental can be reprogrammed like a hard drive on a computer. The conscious judgemental part of our minds can not and often gets in our way with limiting beliefs, excuses etc. Since all beliefs are created in the subconscious mind and it is the subconscious which drives our instinctive urges you can see how re training the subconscious through re- programming the subconscious mind through hypnosis allows you to take control and manage those changes that you want.
During each appointment interval I will be asking you to complete a personal diet and exercise/weight management log sheet so you can see exactly what you are eating and how much exercise you are taking and plot your weight management programme. I will ask you to send me over a weekly copy.
It is very important that you keep an accurate daily record of your meals and your exercise routine. You must bring your record sheets with you to each session
Throughout your Gastric Band hypnotherapy treatment I will be working very closely with you right from the very outset. Although my approach is very caring, supportive and empathic I will be expecting you to play your part all the way along and I will also tell you if you are not.
Your success and future health and well being is my sole aim, so you will not get any warm fuzzy feel good commiserations from me if you are not doing your bit by not playing the CD you are given for example or keeping up to date records. The programme is not only intensive in the amount of preparation work to help you to make those changes. It is also expensive and I am mindful of the fact that you are paying for it.
Do not worry if you initially think your willpower is low at the outset, because that is the conscious mind talking and we will be dealing with the unconscious part of the mind where we will be effectively rewriting your learned behaviour patterns. A large part of the therapy is in bypassing the conscious belief system of low will power, (which stems from the current subconscious belief system anyway) and creating a new belief at a subconscious level of strong willpower.
The first consultation and treatment session assesses what type of Weight gain history you have had and looks at all aspects of your lifestyle. In this fact finding session we look at your eating history, your habits, your weaknesses, your cravings and more.
At the same time I will also be working out your ideal weight using the body mass index calculation system. We will then be looking at how best to help you with a physical exercise routine to suite your current levels of fitness and mobility. I will be monitoring your progress with a very thorough support system designed to ensure that you have every possibility of reaching your target weight.
The session finishes with a hypnosis induction to assess how best to take ‘you’ into hypnosis and to see how you respond. This defines which is the best hypnotic technique to use that will work to get you into the ideal suggestible state where your subconscious mind can accept and work with the new positive suggestions.
This is an exceptionally important part of the process as everyone is very different and everyone does not respond to a one size fits all approach
The second session is a preparation for the Gastric band weight management hypnosis programme with the focus on being at a cross roads and choices and taking into the equation motivation and exercise hypnotherapy. We will be looking at what your eating patterns and habits have been like since the first consultation. The portion sizes you choose to eat. Whether or not you still clear your plate or anybody else’s too. How you feel during and after mealtimes. And other additional factors around diet and exercise.
In the third session we will be carrying out a hypnosis reinforcement of the previous session with an ‘emotional eating elimination’ hypnosis session. Most people who undergo gastric band weight reduction have at the core of their problem an emotional eating root cause problem, something that makes them eat the way they do and this session works to replace the old negative behaviour patterns with much more beneficial positive behaviours around the elimination of snacking, overeating, replacing junk food with health food and the amount one eats.
The fourth session deals with current belief systems and health issues and likely outcomes if corrective action isn't taken. We will look at the types of diseases that go hand in hand with obesity and discuss topical subjects in the media about obesity.
What it means to you to be free of being overweight. We will look at your decision to take responsibility for your health and what it means to you to succeed and also what could be the outcome of not taking decisive action. All of this is designed to help you focus and crystallize your choices and is designed to build levels of confidence and motivation. The hypnosis session deals with the shrinking stomach.
In the fifth session this is where the 'Virtual' gastric band is fitted. This is the longest session and usually takes around three hours.
As in all the other sessions we start with a review of your progress from analysing the data on your record sheets. We calculate how your weight management programme has worked for you based on your weight reduction up until this point and we work out when you may be able to reach your target weight once the band is fitted .Once the band is fitted my clients normally see an acceleration in their weight reduction pattern.
It is important to note that shedding weight too rapidly is not recommended from a health point of view and that weight reduction which promises to lose you 30 pounds in a month is unlikely to remain off for long.
My treatment programme aims for a steady 2-4 pounds reduction a week for a person with full mobility, around 1 stone per month or just over.
(I do have disabled clients that this has worked for and the usual weight reduction is around 1- 2 pounds per week.)
Prior to the main treatment, we will discuss the post gastric band session diet menu that you will be given to take away with you. This is a custom tailored diet programme designed around the programme. It is very important that you adhere to the dietary recommendations.
Before the session starts we spend some time setting the scene and then the main treatment session is carried out.
After the main treatment a post ‘Gastric Band Hypnosis Operation’ eight week check-up session is scheduled to discuss how the weight management programme is going and how you feel about being slimmer and fitter.
Some of my clients do like to keep in touch to discuss their progress on a week by week basis prior to the eight week appointment and this can be arranged via phone or Skype or face to face appointments.
In the interim period between the eight weeks appointment you may contact me at any time if you feel you are reducing your weight too rapidly or not at the expected rate.
At this point we will then make an additional appointment to adjust the gastric band which is a straightforward hour long session. A few of my clients have needed this occasionally to control hunger pangs.
As you reduce weight, adjustments may need to be made to the virtual band so that the weight reduction slows down and you do not enter the underweight category.
Some clients do not need this though except at the very end of the programme. Each top up treatment session lasts around an hour
Once you have undergone your Gastric band hypnosis treatment session, my support doesn’t just end at the eight week follow up session. There will no doubt be a time period of several months until you reach your target weight and you can come back to me for periodic progress reports where we can take whatever action is necessary, whether it be tightening the band if things are slowing down or most likely to loosen the band once the goal weight has been reached.
Indeed once the target weight has been reached then a final session will need to be booked to remove the band and introduce a maintenance programme which will be very similar to the programme you will already have used in recording your meal times and exercise.
A typical course of Gastric band hypnotherapy treatment with Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions will cost nowhere near the cost of a private operation of around £8000.00 and the success and affordability compared to private health care is one of the main reasons why so many people are choosing Gastric Band hypnotherapy as a pain and risk free way of losing weight.
To find out if you are suitable for this revolutionary successful treatment programme and to discuss costs please call me for further details.
Why wait any longer to change your relationship with food, drink and exercise?
For a free discrete and confidential no obligation 30 minute phone consultation call
01726 816947 or 077040 190261.
Let Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions help you to take control today.
I have many successful stories on my website from satisfied clients and you can read all about them by visiting my testimonials page
Whether you are in Cornwall or anywhere else in the UK or indeed overseas, I can help. If your health and mobility is at a point where you really do need to loose a lot of weight and want to talk to someone who can help you every step of the way and who is non- judgemental , caring and empathic, call me today for a free 30 minute discrete and confidential consultation and start on your journey to a new slimmer, fitter you. Call Trevor Wales on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261