Stop smoking in Cornwall with Trevor Wales hypnotherapy Solutions
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Do you want to stop smoking and enjoy better health and live longer but have struggled to quit so far ?
Chances are that if you are on this page that you do and you've come here looking to see if hypnotherapy can help you to quit smoking? I can help.
The good news is it can and has helped many thousands of people around the world to free themselves from a deadly habit and take back control. Does that sound good to you?
Most smokers eventually come to hate the fact that they smoke and wish they had never started and are desperate to quit for good. Is that you and do you feel the time is now for help ?
Smoking can put a difficult strain on realtionships, both close relationships particularly, and workplace relationships. Many employers frown on smoking at all in the work place with less and less willingness to create smoing zones for those who smoke or vape. In social situations many smokers talk of the fact that can be made to feel like pariahs where they feel as if they are sneaking off which can seem rude to friends and colleagues to go and have a smoke outside a pub, restaurant or night club. Many smokers have had failed attempts at quitting and a large number turned to vaping which turns out to be even more risky than smoking because of conditions such as popcorn lung which appears to be deadly that is known to cause damage to the body far quicker than years of smoking. The problem with vaping is that its still feeding the craving of nicotine which is not only quite addictive, its deadly. There is only one way to do it and thats to stop completely and you can with the help of hypnotherapy.
Some smokers may have lost someone they know, from a smoking related disease such as lung cancer. Perhaps a work colleague, friend or loved one and perhaps for a while they might dwell on that and think that could be me. Perhaps thats happened to you and and you've thought that could be me.
With my help I can help you quit smoking as I have helped many other smokers to stop just as I did myself twenty three years ago.
If you are serious about quitting smoking for good, whether a long term or short term smoker, its got to be worth your time reading the two pages I have written to encourage you and give you a sense of optimism, possibility and hope. You can do this and I can show you how just like all the other smokers I have helped quit.
You owe it to yourself. dont you? Dont you deserve to have better health and a longer life expectancy? The Easy Quit Hypnotherapy programme I have worked with since 2011 can do just that.
Why not reach out and have a no obligation informal free consultation on the phone or by video of up to 30 minutes. Call me on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261
Struggling to stop smoking for good?
Click on the picture below to watch a short interview that I had with TV presenter and International best selling author, Anne Jirsch where I talks about my passion for helping people to Quit Smoking and the Therapy techniques I use that have helped create the success of many of my clients in kicking the habit for good.
My personal smoking story and how I quit smoking
It is my belief and experience that to truly understand what a smoker is going through trying to quit, you need to have been there yourself.
I like most smokers started smoking at a very young age. My reason was simple. To feel more grown up, to feel more confident and to be accepted, one with the 'In' crowd. By the time I was sixteen and working I had been smoking for five years,mostly hidden from parents and teachers, At sixteen I was smoking twenty a day and my cigarettes of choice were the stronger types, Marlborough, Camel,Players etc.
I did try stopping at age twenty and was successful for a short time and started again a year or so later. For a decade I really struggled, often hiding my smoking habit.
By the time I was in my late thirties there were a lot of stresses in my life and at my peak I was smoking sixty a day.
Like most folk trying to quit, I felt a whole range of emotions, guilt on many different levels, health,financial and the guilt of spending a lot of money of smoking that could have gone into the families needs.
I like most smokers felt shame and a real fear of smoking related diseases and with more and more people either no longer or simply not smoking, I became aware of how I must smell and look to non smokers. Being in the retail management industry made it all the more difficult to stink of tobacco when I was asking someone to consider spending many thousands of pounds on hi quality home entertainment systems. I reached a point in 1999 where something quite traumatising happened to me at work when I had the winter flu and I stopped smoking there and then on the spot.
I have not smoked or even had a desire to smoke since. It wasn't until years later as a full time professional Hypnotherapist and understanding fully how the subconscious works and reacts to external stimulus that I understood why I was able to quit smoking so easily because of a natural event that had an indirect link with a fear of drowning and being unable to breathe that stretched all the way back to my childhood and my father trying to teach me to swim at the seaside when I was about 6 or 7 years old.
My understanding as hypnotherapist about the way that the subconscious mind works to keep us safe, that fight, flight or freeze response, I really got the big picture and understood exactly what happened on that day. It was an instant reframe dictated by my subconscious mind related to survival! It simply was more important to be able to breathe than depend upon smoking. I developed an instant and lasting repulsion for anything to do with tobacco and smoking.
Working with the subconscious mind it is possible to re frame and change behaviour patterns that are harmful to ones that are healthy and safe.
I am always very happy to talk to anyone trying to quit smoking about why exactly I was able to quit and I do understand that smoking is a choice which becomes a habit which can be hard to stop by willpower alone and, so I do not lecture anyone because of the experience of the trials of trying to quit myself over thirty years of smoking. What I offer is supportive and a practical natural way to become a non smoker and I can help you quit. The only requirement is the you really need to want to do this for yourself for purely selfish reasons of your health and wellbeing
Can hypnosis really help me to stop smoking?
The answer to this is that there are literally thousands upon thousands of positive testimonies on line from former Smokers who found they were able to quit smoking successfully using hypnosis, often after failing miserably using other methods. You may already know someone who has quit smoking using hypnotherapy.
You can read some of my testimonials below and on my testimonial page from clients who have used the Easy quit smoking programme that I have successfully used since 2011.
The easy quit smoking programme is the only hypnotherapy programme to have been given an award for clinical excellence by the Hypnotherapy Society.
Therapy appointments available at discrete, private comfortable locations across Cornwall or in the comfort of your own home. Appointments available worldwide via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook Video
To make a booking pleasecall 01726 816947 or my mobile on 07740 190261. Alternatively you may send an email enquiry via the contact form on the contact page
Are you sick of smoking, wasting money and damaging your health? Tried many other quit smoking methods and found they haven’t worked for you? Then read on because my Stop Smoking hypnotherapy method could be just right for you. Whether you are in Cornwall or anywhere else in the UK I can help you stop smoking.
This is a testimonial from a female client called Gina who I helped quit smoking in 2014. Gina has given her permission for her testimony to be used on my website. For more testimonials visit my testimonial page
"Hi Trevor.
Sorry for the delay in getting this to you - it's that time of year!
Hope this is ok.....
I had been smoking on/off for the past 23 years and managed to quit a few times in the past but started again when ever I was stressed or run down. I can't believe how easy it was to stop smoking and wish I had chosen hypnotherapy sooner. It's not something that I even think about anymore, it just doesn't come into my mind, even when I've had a drink, bad day or after a meal - the cravings have just vanished. I have so much more energy and I'm managing to do so much more during the day. I'm still amazed how easy it was to stop, I have never found quitting so easy.
The relaxation mp3 is also really good and I have passed this onto my Mum who listens to it regularly and has helped her "put the spring back in her step"!
Trevor is so generous with his time and has such a kind, reassuring and calm nature. I would recommend everyone tries a little hypnotherapy in their lives.
Still feeling really good (as you can see from above) and have recommended you to so many people. I know there are definitely a couple of people who are thinking of contacting you in the New Year.
Many thanks for everything and wishing you a Happy Christmas.
Gina "
Here are two more testimonials.
New testimonial added 17 th January 2017
Just in from a very happy quit smoking client who was kind enough to send me her feedback after a few sessions of Hypnotherapy. I started working with this client in early November and this is what she had to say
I thought Trevor Wales was fantastic really helped me through what i wanted to overcome and achieve, I didn’t even need all of my sessions and have been smoke free since!
Very professional, welcoming and easy to speak to !
I have been smoke free since I finished my sessions with him and couldn’t thank him enough. Feel so much better about myself.
Testimonial added 27th January 2016
When I started my hypnotherapy practice in Cornwall in May of 2011 one of my first few clients was a lovely lady who I helped to quite smoking.Recently we had the opportunity to catch up with one another and I am delighted to say that she is still a non smoker.This is her testimony recently emailed over to me.
Hi Trevor.
Lovely to speak to you today. Just attaching a testimonial.
"Many thanks to Trevor who helped me immensely with giving up smoking. His kind and compassionate nature puts one immediately at ease. Trevor has immense empathy and understanding. I highly recommend the professional service he offers."
Chris x
Click on the link to go to my blog and read my recent editorial article in the Cornish Guardian, detailing how I successfully treated Sub editor Charlotte Nicholson to easily quit smoking in just one session and who six months later is still not smoking!
Can Quit Smoking Hypnosis sessions help me quit smoking?
Ok I know,You have probably heard it all before about the risks and dangers of smoking but historical evidence and personal experience dealing with people with terminal illness caused by smoking prove to me beyond doubt that smoking is just so completely dangerous and it is just so plain crazy to carry on destroying your health for a quick bit of perceived stress relief or enjoyment. It also now looks too as if the E-Cigarette that every smoker hopes will be a safer alternative might now carry an even higher risk of lung cancer and tumors.
As a former heavy smoker who gave up over ten years ago I understand what you're going through and just how hard it can be to quit and I will support you every step of the way. In my view, unless you've been a smoker who's quit yourself your unlikely to understand just what its like when you havent experienced the cravings and frustrations for yourself. It took me several attempts at quitting over a decade of yo-yo smoking and quitting, so i really do understand.
Naturally you can imagine as a former smoker that I am passionate about helping people who have made that monumental decision to stop smoking, quit for good and I am pleased to say that I have been able to help numerous people successfully stop smoking using hypnotherapy. You can check out what my clients say by visiting my testimonials page
I am a member of the Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists and can also be found on the government's UK National Stop Smoking website. I provide my services throughout Cornwall and beyond either in face to face treatments or via Skype or by CD/MP3 Posted to wherever you live.
If you're sick of smoking,wasting money and damaging your health and really committed to quitting and taking care of your health then I can help you in your decision to stop smoking. The Quit Smoking programme I use is one of the most successful stop smoking programmes in use and has been designed and created by one of the UK’s most highly regarded practitioners and trainers of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy,Terence Watts of the Essex Institute of hypnotherapy.
The programme, the ‘Easy Quit Smoking method’ is the only Quit Smoking method to receive an endorsement for clinical excellence from the UK’s Hypnotherapy Society. This very highly rated method has seen many smokers stop smoking nationwide .Call me today to day for a free phone consultation of up to thirty minutes on:-01726 816947.
In September and October of 2013 I successfully treated two long term smokers, both ladies, one of whom is a returning client who I have been treating successfully for various presenting issues over the last year and a half and the other person who is a professional senior manager working in a fast paced call centre in a high pressure environment. I have kept in touch with both clients who both happily inform me that they are still not smoking.
How many sessions?
This is a typical question I expect to be asked and I do get asked this by every person who is interested about quitting smoking using hypnotherapy. I have published a short blog about this and you can read more on this subject by clicking here
I offer two levels of service. One is for fairly confident smokers who think they are able to quit fairly easily and this would suit the lighter smoker or someone who has not been smoking for many years and doesn't think they will have much difficulty in quitting.
This is a single session Quit Smoking Workshop which lasts around three hours.
This programme is normally delivered in one just one session but may be split over two sessions at the clients request. This is a very effective way to quit smoking and I have had numerous clients who have successfully quit permanently using this method.
Included in the package price is your hypnosis session recorded onto Cd to assist with further subliminal reinforcement and thereby maximising the effectiveness of the session making it easy to quit smoking for good. Also included in the package price is a free single six month check in via skype or phone to review your progress and define whatever action plan may be necessary, either a road map to continuing on your successful journey to remaining a non smoker, or in the sometimes rare occasions where there is a relapse, helping you to overcome this with a further look at what can be done to help you keep that commitment to quitting for good.
Additionally,to the single session treatment programme I offer, in 2013 I introduced a multi session long term hypnotherapy package offering closer additional support for the hardened chronic smoker, smoking over twenty or more cigarettes a day and who has probably been doing so for many years, finding it very hard to quit by conventional methods, who believes they are firmly addicted, but who still wants to quit badly and who needs that much more specialized and personal level of support.
My multisession 'Easy quit Smoking' hypnosis programme I have developed has been born of my experiences gained whilst working closely with hardened chronic long term smokers who find that the typical single session hypnosis methods so commonly offered, just do not work for them because of all of the many other deeply rooted underlying issues and belief’s that they have gathered in their views of being addicted to smoking and quitting smoking based upon their experiences of the many other conventional quit smoking methods they have used in the past and still failed with.
This programme is designed to make it easier and possible for hardened long term smokers to quit smoking by providing them with a unique level of personalised support that is not available elsewhere. I have had hardened smokers come to me who have been smoking over many years and this system works. It Offers a highly personal and unique bespoke quit smoking hypnotherapy treatment programme with extended support which runs over several months.
The programme is made up of several sessions, initially run over the course of a few weeks which is split into an initial quit smoking workshop consultation session, followed by a series of three individual ninety minute hypnosis sessions based on building beliefs, building motivation and building confidence. All of these sessions are prior to the main Easy Quit Smoking therapy session and which will have been uniquely designed for you to assist in addressing the above mentioned separate principal key issues which hardened smokers find great trouble dealing with. Over the period of time that it takes for the client to quit smoking permanently there are reinforcement sessions offered in the plan over and above the main quit smoking session. The reason I work in this way is that I know that a considerable number of hypnotherapists will only offer a one session package and if it doesn't work for the client,it was as they say' because the client wasn't ready'. Being a former long term smoker of many years I know just how hard it can be and if someone has tried all of the other methods and failed I am willing to give my support as long as the client is dedicated to their own cause to quit smoking.
Included in the package price are all the hypnosis sessions recorded onto Cd’s to assist with subliminal reinforcement and thereby maximising the effectiveness of each session
In addition and included in the package price there is also a free single twelve month check in via skype or phone to review your progress and define an action plan
For further information on these unique Easy Quit smoking Hypnotherapy service please enquire by calling me on 01726 816947
An excerpt from the Article in the Cornish Guardian of March 13th 2013 on how I helped the Sub editor of the paper quit smoking in just one session.
"I found the lead-up to the hypnosis particularly helpful, with Trevor taking a lot of time to address my individual needs. His aim was to retrain my thinking – to make me believe that I wasn't losing anything by quitting smoking, thus breaking whatever link.Being hypnotised is a very unique experience and will differ for everyone. For me, it didn't really feel like I was hypnotised, I was very aware of what was happening around me and roughly how much time had passed, whereas some people can be “out” for an hour and it feels like it was five minutes. With that in mind, I am not entirely sure what level of hypnosis I reached. As for my success: apart from one slip-up in the middle of an extremely stressful weekend and after several cocktails, I have been smoke free for 26 days, with no real struggle"
The above was published in March 2013 and when I contacted Charlotte again for her free six monthly check in, Charlotte was still smoke free.
Why are my treatment methods very successful?
The reason my treatment methods are so successful is that prior to the main hypnosis session my clients have a full understanding of the psychological issues that make it difficult to stop smoking. During this first part of the treatment session this gives me the opportunity to dispel a few myths that smokers worry about such as weight gain or irritability bought on by withdrawal symptoms once they successfully stop smoking.
This makes this method of giving up smoking very well suited for those smokers’ who would like to quit smoking, but find it hard to believe they can without it having an adverse impact on their lives.
I have also helped clients quit using E-cigarettes which although originally thought to be safe, now have considerable question marks about the long term safety of using them as a substitute for cigarettes.
Here is a testimonial from a client who I successfully treated in May of 2012 for a high nicotine dependency whilst addicted to E-cigarettes.This client gave up smoking in 2010 and switched to E-cigarettes, where they became addicted to the Nicotine high. After one Session of Quit Smoking Suggestion therapy this is the feedback I received when emailed them to see how they were faring
"Very good results!! Sure I have the odd slight craving after a meal or a beer etc, but soon forget about it after a few seconds! I think the next session would be best to focus on my confidence issues as the smoking/e-cig session has worked so well."
We all know that smoking is deadly and can lead to all sorts of unpleasant diseseases and premature death.To help with your decision to quit smoking download a free e-booklet here about the benefits of becoming a non-smoker.
Take action now and why not call me today for a free initial phone consultation? Call me on 01726 816947 0r 07740 190261
The treatment programme
The treatment begins with a fact finding session about each person’s background and their smoking history and to ensure that they are suitable subjects for the hypnosis session (ie, to make sure there are no current medical conditions where it could be a risk to use hypnotherapy. People with heart conditions, stroke victims etc.)
This is followed by the pre session discussion referred to earlier where we look at the various reasons why smokers smoke, the perceived benefits that smokers believe they get and the health risks to both the individual and family and the various psychological issues in quitting smoking using willpower alone and why in most cases it doesn't work.
We look too, in depth at all of the positive health and psychological benefits of becoming a non-smoker and what it means to the person giving up and how it will impact their lifestyle and improve their personal finances. Also, a full explanation of why smokers who quit with the aid of hypnosis and hypnotherapy do not suffer nicotine withdrawal symptoms, cravings for cigarettes or gain weight.
The second part of the session uses hypnosis combined with the power of suggestion therapy, to assist you to quit your smoking habit with ease.
The suggestions given in the hypnosis part of the session are all positively phrased. Unlike some other therapies I do not use any aversion material unless, so you need not worry about, after the session, having the taste of burning rubber whenever you smell cigarette or cigar smoke.
Instead all of the suggestions given during the hypnosis session are positively phrased to allow you to stop smoking easily, without withdrawal symptoms, cigarette and nicotine cravings, or gaining weight.
All of my sessions are recorded onto CD for additional reinforcement for the client to use to listen to regularly for a period of up to four weeks, listening on headphones for maximum effectiveness. By listening regularly right from the outset this is the most certain way to ensure permanent change.
The cd can be listened to as often as needed. Some people find this to be an enormous help as a booster if they find they are having the odd craving. Yes, it can happen in some situations as everyone is different.
Furthermore to give my clients an aftercare support package that has real value, I offer a free six monthly 30 minute revue session either by Skype or over the phone.
If for any reason in rare circumstances after the six month period the client has not stayed a non-smoker and successfully quit, this gives a further opportunity to work together to find out what the clients blocks are and what the client needs. In some rare situations an aversion therapy CD session is sometimes recommended which usually does the trick for someone determined to continue to smoke with all of its known health risks.
In most cases though if the client is really clear with their intention and is really honest with themselves and really wants to quit smoking and does their bit to ensure the programme has the best opportunity to work this is usually not at all necessary.
If a client should need further treatment to stop smoking as part of the package I offer an additional session at a discount from my normal fees, as a goodwill gesture. If the client is not within travelling distance then the Cd will be posted to them.
How much does it cost?
Firstly and I do really mean this in the politest terms, please feel free to only call me if you are really serious about quitting smoking for good. My time is as valuable as yours.
The fees for my quit smoking session options is probably the best investment you will ever make and I will happily share this with you when you call me for a free phone consultation. Call me on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261
Compared to the thousands that even average smokers spend each year on smoking cigarettes my Quit Smoking treatment is excellent value for money and costs a mere fraction of what you will no doubt be currently spending in a year and its value is not only financial.
How much is your health worth to you and your loved ones and can you put a price on it?
I will bet that if my fees were to be as much as you spend in a year………. if your life depended on it you would find that money which you find every day to feed your habit.
If you really want to quit and take back control of your life, in my opinion that will be money very well spent compared to the cost of smoking twenty a day at typically over £9.00 a packet for 20. Just a reminder, that's over £3,300.00 a year or £33,000.00 over ten years. Just think what you could do with all that extra money! Plus your health will improve dramatically and that's got to be good hasn't it?
And don’t forget, the treatment package price is inclusive of your personalised hypnosis session recorded onto CD.
We all know that smoking is deadly and can lead to all sorts of unpleasant diseseases and premature death.
To help with your decision to quit smoking why not call me today for a free intial phone consultation to find out more about the benefits of becoming a non-smoker? Why wait any longer? That clock is ticking. You can call me on 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.