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Fears and phobias treatments In Cornwall with Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions

Hypnotherapy or BWRT ® appointments available at discrete, private comfortable locations across Cornwall or in the comfort of your own home. Appointments available world wide via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or Facebook Video

To make a booking pleasecall 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.
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Fears and phobias


Do you suffer from Fears and phobias? Are you afraid of open spaces? enclosed spaces? Afraid of needles and a visit to the dentist? Cant even think about getting on a plane? Creepy crawlies and wriggly things give you the heebie jeebies? Hypnotherapy and BWRT are two independant and very powerful standalone therapies that can help and since 2011 I have helped many clients both countrywide and worlwide from all walks of life overcome fears, phobias and anxieties in often just a few sessions

 I work all across Cornwall and also both nationally and internatially via video link, helping people take control of Fears,Phobias and Anxieties.

Call me today for a free no obligation discrete,confidential consultation so that I can determine the best type of treatment for you. Join the many other people I have helped to create the life they want to live.

See how I can help you overcome your Fears and Phobias. 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.
Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions.

I have numerous success stories on my website from satisfied clients in Cornwall who I have successfully treated for fears, anxieties and phobias and you can read all about them by following the link to my  testimonials page

Below are a comments from satisfied clients who I treated for a fear of enclosed spaces and anxiety.

A successful treatment of Anxiety, panic attacks and fear of confined spaces .Mr Miller from St Austell has given his consent to share this on my page.I have been treating this gentleman for Claustrophobia over the last month. I am happy to say that the outcome has been very positive. “Since childhood I'd had a fear of feeling trapped or confined. It wasn't quite claustrophobia as it could also happen outdoors in a crowd or even queues. Until recently I'd managed the problem by avoiding situations like travelling on the back seat of two door cars or being in busy rooms with several people between me and the door. This strategy worked well until recently being invited to visit my relatives in New Zealand. Flying has never bothered me but the thought of being locked in that cabin did.... A friend suggested hypnotherapy and recommended Trevor. After the first session I could feel a noticeable improvement. Now after the third session the problem has gone and seems is no more than a memory of a past life. I wish I'd done this years ago. I'm well known for being very critical about anything that's new to me and being a hard man to convince. However having experienced such a clear and positive improvement in such a short time I am very impressed. Its feels like I've been set free at last. My thanks to Trevor Wales.

Mr G. Miller.
St Austell

 Testimony from a client who I  treated for anxiety. January 2013 

I have been seeing Trevor for hypnotherapy for the last few months for my anxiety with dual carriageways which I developed from traumas that had happened in childhood and adulthood.. Today for the first time in a year more I have driven on a small dual carriage way, one that i avoided, my heart was pounding but I did not have a panic attack the difference that has occurred is that i have less fear... I no longer seem to have this heavy feeling of dread when on busy roads.. it is amazing and freeing...I I would like to thank Trevor for all his hard work with the personal scripts that he has written for me to help me to get to this stage.. and i am feeling happy and confident that it wont be too long before I am back and driving on really busy roads. 

Trevor has been a very caring, supportive and professional practitioner and I would recommend him if you are struggling with anxieties. Of course like Trevor said you have to put the work in too.. and together you can really overcome anything... I look forward to more work with Trevor and will up date you on my progression with my driving adventures. 

I am truly grateful.. Thank you Trevor. 

Kerry Tomlins.


Overcoming a  life long fear of birds in just one session


When Cornwall Channels Cameraman Ed first came to see me for a hypnotherapy session to help him boost his self confidence in front of the camera when interviewing people for the channels broadcasts,so pleased was he with the results that he asked me to help him with a lifelong phobia of birds.One of the channels broadcasts involved Ed being up close and personal with the birds at Paradise Bird park in Hayle,Cornwall.

Due to the grip that Ed's Phobia had over him at the time this was something which he by his own admission was unable to do. In just one Hypnotherapy session Ed was able to put that experience behind him for good and we visited Paradise bird park some weeks later to see just how effective Ed's treatment had been.

Whereas previously Ed had not been able to even think of stepping inside the avery you can see Ed and myself inside one of the enclosures. Click on the picture below to watch the video.




So what exactly is a fear or phobia?

What is the exact difference between a fear and a phobia? Are you like so many scared of Snakes, Spiders and other creeping crawling things?

Fears and phobiasDo you get an uncontrollable feeling of sheer terror and panic at the sight of a spider or mouse? We all know that these creatures cannot hurt us; it is a fact that the United Kingdom does not have any poisonous spiders that can cause us harm.

Just the sight of a spider is enough to make some people shriek with uncontrolled fright. This is a classic case of a phobia along with other apparently irrational phobias, such as believe it or not a fear of paper (papyrophobia) or a fear of apples (mackaphobia). A phobia is an automatic response to something that is happening inside or outside yourself. Phobias and fears are really nothing more than learned behaviour’s. A baby has no fears other than a fear of loud noises and the fear of falling, everything is learned

There is a difference between a fear and a phobia.  A fear is based upon self-preservation and keeping one’s self safe. We all have fears and we all need them to keep safe. A fear of heights is a sensible thing as it keeps us away from the edge of the cliff. If your fear of heights stops you going above the third floor then this is a phobia.The fear is unneeded, unhelpful, and disabling to your life. Phobias occur when fears become unreasonable and seemingly unchallengeable.


A very common fear is the fear of flying

Fears and phobiasDo you suffer from a fear of flying?

It’s not an uncommon problem as talking to a few travel agents has revealed. For those people who dread getting on a plane the very thought of it can ruin their holiday, even before they step foot on the boarding gangway, those nagging doubts and fears will have been working away inside their heads the closer the holiday gets, only to become a much bigger out of control irrational fear from the moment they step inside the plane and of course the last few days of the holiday will also be spoilt too because they know they have to go through that same emotional roller coaster all over again when the holiday is over.

Statistics show that there are far more fatal car accidents every day than air disasters. Most of us have absolutely no problem getting into our cars every day, despite that fact that there are so many car accidents resulting in injuries and sometimes unfortunately, fatalities, but our cars are an accepted necessity in our daily lives and despite the higher statistical risk we just dont think about it.It is the familiarity of the daily use of the car that means we just put the risk at the back of our minds. So why not flying? There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, most people with a fear of flying dont fly regularly and secondly when an accident occurs there is so much media coverage which puts the spot light on air travel and makes the problem very large and visible in the public's eye 

On the surface of it one can suppose that a fear of flying doesn't seem an unreasonable fear to have. However aircraft design is both very robust and highly sophisticated cutting edge technology and far more reliable than the humble car, also the level of professional training and expertise of the pilots crew and air traffic controllers is of the highest standard in the world and it is also a statistical and solid fact that aircraft very rarely crash. That is why it is always such big worldwide news when a plane crashes. Yet if you suffer from this fear and it prevents you from going on that special holiday you've been promising yourself or flying to a business meeting rather than driving on a long stressful car journey, then this is an unreasonable fear which will be defined as a phobia.

Research from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, shows that approximately 10 % of adults suffer from phobias, however, very few sufferers ever seek help, most preferring not to talk about their problem, because it is simply far too embarrassing. This is a great pity as Fears and Phobias can be treated very effectively, sometimes beneath the presenting issue may also be buried a deeper issue. For example a fear of flying may really turn out to be because the subject suffers from claustrophobia. A good therapist will be looking beyond the immediate issue to discover what the sensitising event or underlying cause is.

I have treated numerous clients to overcome their fears and phobias and fear of flying is no exception.

One client after suffering for years from claustrophobia was able to fly away to the other side of the world for a holiday of a lifetime and another local businessman who had a long term fear of flying was able to fly out to his holiday home in Spain several times in the course of the year and felt completely relaxed about the prospect of flying and going so far as texting me to tell me how much he was enjoying the flight.

In my therapy approach I use a variety of techniques which have a proven successful track record. I may use suggestion therapy or dissociation or EFT depending on the client’s needs. Since my approach is solution focused therapy I guide my clients into finding their own answers to resolve their problems whilst in the state of hypnosis. Out of the hypnotic state the clients own conscious judgemental state can get in the way of things, but in the hypnotic state, this is where the subconscious can be addressed directly and effectively be reprogrammed to overturn irrational fears and phobias. Solution focused therapy acknowledges the clients distress but focuses upon goals and success and positive outcomes.  

Before hypnosis begins therapy also involves discussion where the client is encouraged to find their own solutions, considering such questions as the miracle question.  There are numerous different types of question enable this process to move forward. For e.g. the miracle question would ask the client this:-

Just imagine that one night, while you are sleeping, there is a miracle and the problem that prompted you to seek help and bring you here, you find is miraculously solved upon awakening and your fear is gone. However, because you are asleep you don't know that the miracle has already happened. When you wake up in the morning, what will be different that will tell you that the miracle has taken place?  

What else?

What difference would you and others notice?

What are the first things you notice?

Has any of this happened before?

Would it help to recreate the miracle?

What would need to happen for you to overcome this fear and the miracle to become your reality?

What else?

Other approaches which may be used would be to ask the client to look into the future and pin point a date, for e.g two years into the future and see themselves as they want to be with all of their problems solved and then ask them to explain, working backwards what had happened to them at various points along the way to cause this change to take place.

Here are some links to some of my blogs on fear of flying

Can hypnotherapy help you overcome your fear of flying?

Client update. Fear of flying

For a very amusing take on fear of flying check out this award winning video by Connor Finnegan on Vimeo. 

 Whether you suffer from fears or phobias really doesn't matter if you are someone who is terrified at the sight of something that produces an overwhelming feeling of terror and drives you into a blind panic. It all seems the same. In real terms the precise definition of what is a fear and what is a phobia is largely unhelpful and irrelevant.

The good news is that most Fears and Phobias can be successfully treated using hypnotherapy, Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Techniques. Successful treatments to release a client from their Fears or Phobias can usually be completed within just two to four sessions. The exact number of sessions will vary, depending on the client’s personality type, their desire to overcome the phobia and of course how deep seated the problem is and how long they have had it and how responsive to therapy they are. Sometimes if the client is suffering from full blown panic attacks then successful treatment may take longer. If your fears or phobias bother you then please do something about it. Don’t continue to let them limit your life. Most of what works for phobias will work for fears

Here is a list of some of the most commonly experienced fears and phobias.

Abduction: A fear of being abducted or taken away.With the modern genre of Sci Fi and the subject of alien abduction, this phenomenon has exploded onto the world stage over the last forty years and thousands of people around the world believe that they have had the classic alien abduction experience. To anyone who is very fearful that such a thing could happen to them this can become all consuming. Although there is no specific name for this fear, it is almost certainly rooted in an anxiety complex and if one becomes obessed by the thoughts of being abducted or kidnapped ,then it becomes an obsessive compulsive disorder.

Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. This phobia tends to affect women more than men.

Acrophobia: The fear of heights. This fear can lead to anxiety attacks and avoidance of high places.

Fears and phobias

Agoraphobia: The fear of situations in which escape is difficult. This may include crowded areas, open spaces, or situations that are likely to trigger a panic attack. People will begin avoiding these trigger events, sometimes to the point that they cease leaving their home.

Approximately one third of people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia.

Astraphobia: The fear of thunder and lightning. Also known as Brontophobia, or Ceraunophobia.

Fears and phobias

Claustraphobia: is the fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces or rooms. One of the most common fears today and one that keep someone housebound for years where a person cannot get in a car or a bus, train etc. It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder and often results in panic attack, and can be the result of many situations or stimuli, including elevators crowded to capacity, windowless rooms, and even tight-necked clothing.

Coulrophobia: Fear of Clowns. this fear usually is deeply rooted in childhood memories and can follow some people into adult life. Most adults find it hard to understand why they could still have this fear and there are all sorts of theories.

Cynophobia: The fear of dogs. This phobia is often associated with specific personal experiences, such as being bitten by a dog during childhood.

Entomophobia: is a common fear of or aversion to insects and similar arthropods, invertebrate animals, such as worms etc. Commonly, this condition might be referred to as the "fear of insects or bugs". This condition causes a slight to severe emotional reaction, a form of anxiety or a panic attack.

People often mix up aversion and phobia. Aversion to insects is natural, it is a human instinct and has been for hundreds of thousands of years. On the other hand, phobia is not instinctive. Aversion, however, can turn into phobia, which is irrational and immense fear.

Mysophobia: The fear of germs or dirt. May be related to obsessive compulsive disorder.

Fears and phobias

Ophidiophobia: The fear of snakes. Often attributed to evolutionary causes, personal experiences, or cultural influences.

Pteromerhanophobia: The fear of flying. Often treated using exposure therapy, in which the client is gradually and progressively introduced to flying.

Social Phobias: The fear of social situations. In many cases, these phobias can become so severe that people avoid events, places, and people that are likely to trigger an anxiety attack

Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. Like many phobias, this fear often goes untreated because people avoid the triggering object and situation.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of fears and disorders. Here is a link to Wikipedia’s list of phobias -

Call today for a free, no obligation, discrete confidential consultation of up to thirty minutes so that I can determine the best type of treatment for you.
See how I can help you overcome your Fears and Phobias. 01726 816947 or 07740 190261.
Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions