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New video testimonials from July 2020 from two clients who I have been recently working with. One, a Client with BWRT for a private and personal issue and another client, a student, who I trained in December as a Sanomentology practitioner  and who I went on to work with on a Success Accelorator Programme  from SymbioDynamics ®  to help with developing personal confidecnce and business planning.  
To view, please scroll to end of page to read.  

Hello and thank you for visiting my testimonial page, here is a page that I would like to share with all visitors to my website. The following are all testimonials received from clients of mine who made a positive choice with their lives, choosing therapy to change or improve something that was causing a personal problem or blockage in their lives so they could feel better,happier and more fulfilled!

Those people were able to do it and so too might you if you want to!  Its only a call away to start the journey that could change how you feel and give yourself the freedom to do what you want to and live how you want to live! 

The testimonials I have published here is a small snapshot of just some of the letters and emails of satisfaction I have received from my clients. I periodically update this page from time to time and I beleive that the testimonial content here speaks for itself. I hope you find it helpful in making a choice to talk to me to see how I can help you today.  


Why use Testimonials?

I believe testimonials to be a valuable resource for people who are thinking about the benefits of therapy,enabling them to read about other peoples positive experiences and form an opinion.

I do not look at testimonial references solely from a point of proving how good I am as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist,
(however ,I do believe I am as that is an an important element for anyone choosing professional help) but as a useful point of reference that may help people to develop a sense of belief and confidence that  the therapies I work with can help them make positive change in their lives. For many people considering therapy it is a very big and perhaps uncertain step forward and I beleive that reading positive success stories can only help with the decision making . 

Each of my clients who came to see me made a choice to move forward and take positive action to improve their lives. They chose to use hypnotherapy or BWRT understanding that all personal change lies within each person's grasp using the power of the mind and decision making.

Sometimes our existing thinking and behaviour patterns can get in the way of what we want in our lives because of years of negative self talk or limiting beliefs, habit patterns and perhaps accepting others views that we are just not good enough or not able to achieve something. The clients that sent me their personal testimonials chose to break free of those limits and they chose to use the power of therapy to facilitate those changes, understanding that therapy can help change thinking and behaviour at the subconscious level where all thinking and behaviour begins.

As and when I receive positive feedback from satisfied clients who give their consent to their testimonials appearing on my website I will post them here. Not every client who has had successful treatment is happy to share their story and so the only testimonials which appear here are from those clients who are happy to share their story.

Please note that my clients names and images are used only with their express permission and that with regard to publishing testimonial content, I work strictly within the code of ethics guidelines of my governing bodies, the GHR and the CNHC   BBRS




The running order of these testimonials are, oldest first and the most recent at the foot of the page. 

 To make a booking pleasecall 01726 69703 or send an email enquiry via the contact form on the contact page to:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   


Testimonial added August 2011

A successful treatment of Anxiety, panic attacks and fear of confined spaces 

Mr Miller from St Austell has given his consent to share this on my page.

I have been treating this gentleman for Claustrophobia over the last month. I am happy to say that the outcome has been very positive.

"Since childhood I'd had a fear of feeling trapped or confined. It wasn't quite claustrophobia as it could also happen outdoors in a crowd or even queues. Until recently I'd managed the problem by avoiding situations like travelling on the back seat of two door cars or being in busy rooms with several people between me and the door. This strategy worked well until recently being invited to visit my relatives in New Zealand. Flying has never bothered me but the thought of being locked in that cabin did.

... A friend suggested hypnotherapy and recommended Trevor. After the first session I could feel a noticeable improvement. Now after the third session the problem has gone and seems is no more than a memory of a past life.
I wish I'd done this years ago. I'm well known for being very critical about anything that's new to me and being a hard man to convince. However having experienced such a clear and positive improvement in such a short time I am very impressed. Its feels like I've been set free at last.
My thanks to Trevor Wales".



 New testimonial added 21st October 2011

Successful treatments for recurring Nightmares, Pain management and Insomnia.

Mrs. A Smith has given her consent to share this on my page.

"I am happy to say the treatments I have had from Trevor have worked so well for me.
In 2010 I had treatment from Trevor for nightmares, which I had several times a week for over 25 years. I was and still am, amazed that after just one treatment I have not had a single nightmare since!
I have also been having ongoing relaxation and pain relief treatments for Fibromyalgia and Fibromyalgia associated conditions such a insomnia. Since starting these treatments with Trevor, I have been able to cut my intake of painkillers by half and cut out sleeping tablets completely. It is such a relief to be able to get into bed at night knowing that I will be able to get to sleep and will not be awake most of the night and like a zombie during the day time!

I am happy to give a 5 star rating"


New testimonial added 20th November 2011

Successful relaxation with Free Relaxation MP3.

Hayley from Lerryn

" I listened to your mp3 you sent me through email, and wow!! With 3 small children it's very hard to chill/relax! I sat down in my front room this morning with all my children and plugged my ear phones in, I thought to myself 'yeah I'll give it a go' this isn't going to work! Your voice is so soothing, calm, safe, as soon as I started listening, I felt very relaxed! That 17 minute piece you sent me was amazing, after it I felt like I had slept for hours and my eyes were so heavy, I was so relaxed! My body felt tingly, it's hard to explain, i was so amazed I Even passed it over to my sister, she too was shocked as she thought the same, that it wasn’t going to make her relaxed, I'm going to wake up every morning 20minutes before my children wake and listen to it as I felt so good after it this morning! Thanks Trevor, and looking forward to our session next week! :) "



New testimonial added November 2011

Successful treatment of phobia with spiders and creepy crawlies

F. Bond has given her permission to share this on my page.

November 2011

"I have worked with Trevor for my phobia of spiders and he did help me. I also have a relaxation mp3 made by him, on my mp3 player and I find it very useful. I recommend Trevor for his commitment to his clients and his quality of work."




New testimonial added December 2011

Successful relaxation with Free Relaxation MP3

Leigh has given his permission to share this on my page. December 2011

" I contacted Trevor to see if there was anything he could do to help me with my depression and we had a lengthy chat. He then sent me his free relaxation mp3. I’ve listened to it every day since he has sent me it and I can honestly say that it’s brilliant. It really helped me chill out almost every day and take everything in my stride and not let things bother me. I can’t thank him enough for the mp3 alone. Thank you."



New testimonial added March 2012

Successful relaxation with Free Relaxation MP3

Theresa Bernadette. London has given her permission to share this on my page. March 2012

"Very relaxing mp3..So therapeutic. It’s really good. It certainly makes you drift.
Very soft voice and lovely to listen to. Thank you.
I drifted off to sleep for an hour today whilst listening to Trevor’s mp3. I felt like he was right beside me with his gentle voice. Will be back again soon to buy another mp3. Such a beautiful mp3 you made Trevor.


New testimonial added March 2012

Successful treatment of Agoraphobia

Mr W of Launceston has given his permission to share this on my page. Feb / March 2012.

I started treating an elderly gentleman for Agoraphobia in February.

This person is in their Seventies and has lived with a problem of panic attacks and fear of going anywhere where there are crowds of people. This could be towns, shopping centres etc. This person also could not go in cars with other passengers and had a rigid fear of driving on major ‘A’ roads, Motorways and being stuck in traffic whether at lights or in congested traffic.

Since the first session my client was able to see a major improvement in their situation which was an excellent response since they had been living with their problem for over fifty years.

Mr W had a journey of over fifty miles to make to attend a hospital for an appointment and was not looking forward to going.

My client was able to keep his appointment and make that journey. He advised me that he had not actually felt able to drive on the A30 for over sixteen years. Also my client advised me that he had actually been able to make a further journey for pleasure of over sixty miles with a passenger in his car.

On my last visit my client advised me that they have not experienced anything like the levels of anxiety and panic that he once had and remarked that he should almost feel anxious about the fact that he had no anxiety.

My client also advised me that he has recently been thinking about how he actually looks forward to making plans for driving now.

Below are some comments recently received from my client:-

"I am listening to the CD and I will start to keep a daily journal. I do feel that your visits have helped, I feel much more positive about driving, and I don’t feel so panicky when I have to go somewhere. Hopefully this will continue to improve.

Thank you for all your help will be in contact. I will certainly give you good feedback to help enable others, feel free to contact me anytime, and I will also keep in contact to keep you informed of my progress.

Regards Mr W."



New testimonial added March 2012

Successful treatment for chocolate addiction

January/February 2012

I have been treating Pauline Giles the CEO of Bosom Buddies for Chocolate addiction since early January. I carried out a personal custom tailored treatment session in late Feb.

Pauline Giles. CEO of BosomBuddiesUK.

I have used chocolate as an antidote to stress! Given the job I do and the long hours, I got into a habit of reaching for a family size bar which I would eat in one session!” I still eat chocolate but am now satisfied after a few squares and a family size bar will now last me weeks!

Since treating Pauline to reduce her Chocolate addiction, I’m happy to say my treatment achieved success in just one session. Yet another successful treatment.

A unique part of my service is to record the session onto CD, recording the hypnotherapy treatment to help with reinforcement of the session for maximum change. Recent follow ups with Pauline in late March have been very positive indeed and Pauline has beaten her Chocolate addiction, only indulging in the occasional small treat.

Pauline has given her consent to her name being used.



New testimonials added May 2012

Successful Quit smoking treatment

May 2012

Here is some testimonial feedback from a client who successfully quit smoking in early May.This is a person in their 40’s and who has been a smoker for around 15 years and who has tried to give up unsuccessfully in the past. After one Session of Quit Smoking Suggestion therapy this is the feedback I received when emailed them to see how they were faring

Hello Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy solutions here.

This is just a courtesy email to catch up with you and see how things are for you. I trust this email finds you well and firmly in control of things. I do hope you are listening to your CD on a regular basis. Please remember that the more you listen to it, the stronger and more permanent the suggestions become.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi. Yes thank you, things are going well and I play the CD every evening, thank you for your help”

Successful treatment of nicotine addiction from e-cigarettes

May 2012

Here is some testimonial feedback from a client that I recently treated for nicotine addiction. This person gave up smoking two years ago and switched to E-cigarettes, where they became addicted to the Nicotine high. After one Session of Quit Smoking Suggestion therapy this is the feedback I received when emailed them to see how they were faring

" Very good results!! Sure I have the odd slight craving after a meal or a beer etc, but soon forget about it after a few seconds! I think next session would be best to focus on my confidence issues as the smoking/e-cig session has worked so well".



New testimonial added June 2012

Successful treatment using Spectrum Therapy for improved self confidence and letting go of past issues.

June 2012

Here is a testimonial from a client who I worked with very recently

"I have worked with Trevor recently on a Change Course using Synergy Coaching ®, part of the 'New Leaf Programme.' Trevor was caring, knowledgeable & understanding throughout the time we spent together on the course. He has helped me, through using Spectrum Therapy, to lift boundaries I had kept buried for so many years. I now feel positive, free and no longer wish to run away from things. My confidence has been boosted, and now I feel I can grow and move on, stop blaming myself & beating myself up, stop judging others and be happier and just be me. Thank you Trevor for your guidance and dedication "



New testimonials added August 2012

A snapshot of a post from my Facebook and twitter pages of results that three of my clients have had using my weight loss hypnotherapy method. 

Hypnotherapy in Cornwall. Gastric band weight loss. Weight management.

Some more fantastic news for my three clients who I am currently working with. As of today Friday 17/08/2012 my three weight loss clients have collectively lost a total of 56 lbs. That is four stone between the three ladies in a very short space of time! That is a further 7 lbs from the last check in on the 08/08/2012.Putting into the context of food this is 112 packets of lard or nearly 26 bags of sugar. Call me today for a free informal chat to find out how I can help you lose those pounds.01726 67903

 A review from one of my very satisfied Gastric Band Weight loss clients who has given me a five star rating on my listing.

Less of Julie.

" Hi, I want to tell you about my weight loss through hypnotherapy. I have been seeing Trevor Wales for just over a month. In that time I have lost 1st 6 lb. I cannot say how over the moon I am, I feel more positive than I have been for many years. I am taking more exercise [and enjoying it] with zumba, walking & the gym. I was at an end with my weight and feeling so low, I had even gone as far as to see a doctor about having a gastric band opp, but I came across hypnotherapy and thought I would give this a go. And so glad I did, I have found Trevor to be kind & understanding, a complete professional, I will keep you updated on my progress, Julie."

Further update 24th September 2012

Hi Trevor, just to let you know I have done my weekly weight and I am so pleased as being on holiday I did not think i would lose any, but I have,3 lb. so as to date that’s 2 st 10 lb., the gastric band hypnotherapy is really working, and I’ve never felt better in many years, so all going well, so thank you Trevor.

Further update 20th March 2013 

From my Face book  pages :-
I have just had another update from one of my star gastric band weight loss hypnotherapy clients Julie Ley. When Julie came to see me last July, Julie weighed eighteen stone. 

As of this week’s update Julie now weighs 12st 12lbs. :-) WOW! Excellent Julie, you have since then lost another 8lbs in just less than seven weeks. Well done you :-)

When we last did an update on the Jan 29th this year this is what Julie said:-

"Hi Trevor, as promised even though a little later than expected a photo, glad to see things are going well for you with the hypnotherapy. 
I Hope you are keeping well, just to let you know my weight is now 13 stone 6lb so still coming off, hope the photo is ok . Kind Regards Julie. 

From my Facebook page: Good luck to anyone doing the weight loss programme, if I can do it, you can. I still want to lose a bit more but can now see light at the end of the tunnel. xx Julie Ley."

As of May this year Julie has now gone from a size 24 down to a size 16 and says she is one happy bunny!


Another review from one of my very satisfied Weight loss clients who has given me a five star rating on my listing.

A testimony for successful weight loss

"I am happy to say that after receiving hypnotherapy from Trevor to help me lose weight, I have gone from 16 stone 4lbs to 13st 6lbs in eighteen months. All this weight loss despite the fact that I have very limited mobility and physically unable to do a lot of exercise.
I am so looking forward to reaching my target weight of 11 stone through this program. Thank you Trevor."

A. Smith - St Austell.

A testimony from a client I have been treating for anxiety. January 2013


I have been seeing Trevor for hypnotherapy for the last few months for my anxiety with dual carriageways which I developed from traumas that had happened in childhood and adulthood.. Today for the first time in a year more I have driven on a small dual carriage way, one that i avoided, my heart was pounding but I did not have a panic attack the difference that has occurred is that i have less fear... I no longer seem to have this heavy feeling of dread when on busy roads.. it is amazing and freeing...I I would like to thank Trevor for all his hard work with the personal scripts that he has written for me to help me to get to this stage.. and i am feeling happy and confident that it wont be too long before I am back and driving on really busy roads. 

Trevor has been a very caring, supportive and professional practitioner and I would recommend him if you are struggling with anxieties. Of course like Trevor said you have to put the work in too.. and together you can really overcome anything... I look forward to more work with Trevor and will up date you on my progression with my driving adventures. 
I am truly grateful.. Thank you Trevor. "

Kerry Tomlins


An excerpt from the Article in the Cornish Guardian of March 13th on how I helped the Sub editor of the paper quit smoking in just one session. 

I found the lead-up to the hypnosis particularly helpful, with Trevor taking a lot of time to address my individual needs. His aim was to retrain my thinking – to make me believe that I wasn’t losing anything by quitting smoking, thus breaking whatever link. Being hypnotised is a very unique experience and will differ for everyone. For me, it didn’t really feel like I was Hypnotised, I was very aware of what was happening around me and roughly how much time had passed, whereas some people can be “out” for an hour and it feels like it was five minutes. With that in mind, I am not entirely sure what level of hypnosis I reached. As for my success: apart from one slip-up in the middle of an extremely stressful weekend and after several cocktails, I have been smoke free for 26 days, with no real struggle

You can read the  full article by clicking here


Some testimony from one of my Gastric band hypnotherapy weight loss clients.

April 2013

Jo Gaulton

I also had my first review at Curves gym this week and was really pleased to find out I had lost 6 inches after just 9 workout sessions. When I come back off my holiday I will get up graded to 'Smart' which will help me to keep focused. 

I am feeling very positive with how things are going with my Hypnotherapy and the direction in which life is taking me since starting my sessions with Trevor :) 



Update to testimonials April 2013

Some feedback from my weight loss clients

I have just received some really positive feedback from one of my most recent weight loss clients who has lost eighteen pounds in just several weeks and a response to her comment from another client of mine from last year who has been such a fantastic success story with Gastric Band Hypnotherapy, going from eighteen stone down to twelve stone in the space of just under nine months 

This is what they had to say:-

Debbie Young

I am really pleased with my treatment, combining my diet changes and the hypnotherapy I am amazed how much I have lost in such a short time and I'm still not tempted to finish food or just eat for the sake of eating, this is definitely the hypnotherapy that has made this happen. I knew my food issues and Trevor has dealt with them, thank you

Julie Ley 

It’s amazing how it works, I started last July and I still leave things on my plate. also I had a thing for mints & crisps and can say I haven't ate any since I started, they were a big addiction for me, but can say no to them , which for me is fantastic.

Please note that in line with my governing bodies’ code of ethics and client confidentiality, both Clients have given me permission to post their comments.


Some feedback from one of my clients who I treated for confidence  in front of the camera and a phobia for fear of birds.February and March 2013.

Edward Salatas 


I decided to try hypnotherapy after a friend was telling me how successful it had been for them.

I work in television and behind a camera, however I felt I wanted to try and be in front of the camera and presenting and my limitation was confidence.I approached Trevor with this challenge and he was able very quickly in just 2 sessions resolve my confidence issues, I'm now on TV every week and very confident with it.

Bird phobia:

After a very successful treatment for a confidence issue that I had i decided that i would challenge Trevor to overcome a phobia I have had since a child and that is a phobia of birds. I was amazed that in just one session I was completlycured. I have since held parrots and been in aviaries with small birds and no fear what so ever.

Truly incredible. Ed Salatas. 

You can see Eds Video testimony here on the follow up where we return to paradise bird park and Ed gets up close and personal with the birds inside the aviary cages



 New testimonial added 21st April 2013

Debbie Young

This testimonial from my facebook pages. Hypnotherapy across Cornwall with Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions

Weight loss
I have just had some very good feedback from a lady client who came to see me about two months ago for weight loss. Our first consultation was the 21st Feb with the first hypnosis session booked in for early March. The programme is based around the elimination of emotional eating and exercise and motivation. When my client booked in with me they weighed 14 stone 4 lbs and wanted to lose just over two stone. I've just got a message today to say they are 12 stone 10 lbs, so that an amazing 1 stone 8 lbs in just under two months which is around 3 lbs per week. Very well done. Within just a few more weeks they will have reached their target weight.

Debbie Young

That's me Trevor is talking about, I am doing the fast diet but without the hypnotherapy for the food issues I knew I had and of course Homoeopathy I don't think I would have done so well. My thoughts about food have changed and I am more motivated, time will tell if it will last but I am sure it will. I'll keep you updated.



 New testimonials and professional referrals added September. These are taken from my Facebook pages.

I have pleasure in sharing this review from a professional colleague & peer group supervisor, Amanda Hudson
Thank you Amanda. 

Amanda Hudson:-

I have known Trevor for a number of years as a fellow Hypnotherapist and as his clinical supervisor. Trevor has always maintained the highest quality and professionalism in his practice; he takes time with clients and listens with care. He ensures that each client’s needs are taken in to account to offer them the appropriate session to achieve their desired outcome.
He maintains his professional development in numerous ways including attending regular peer support groups, one to one supervision and hosting a therapy networking on-line group. This ensures he is always up to date with current research and advancements in hypnotherapy.

I would recommend Trevor Wales to anyone wanting to achieve their goals.



Nuala Bond on Facebook. I can add to that! I had a VERY bad migraine one Christmas (2010) so much so I had already taken my max of tablets both migraine and normal painkillers and they hadn't helped.  It was only after Trevor did some hypno that it began to get any better, I’ve never had one so bad since

Trevor R Wales Thank you Nuala

Julie Ley on Facebook. So would  I recommend Trevor , everything that has been said in the above is very very true .



 Another fine referral from professional hypnotherapist Ian Smith of the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in Tyne & Wear

"Trevor is a very well respected clinical hypnotherapist in Cornwall who has a wealth of experience in the field of hypnosis. If you are looking for help to stop smoking or lose weight and you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Cornwall I would highly recommend him."

Thank you very much Ian for such a positive review


Here are some more updates about the successes that my clients have had using my hypnotherapy services, from the early part of the summer and bringing my testimonial page up to date as of December 2013. 
As I have stated at the top of the page, not all clients are willing to share their stories, preferring to remain private. So here are just a few success stories from this year from those clients who have wished to remain private. I keep in touch with my clients regularly both during and after treatment as a duty of care to ensure that everything is going fine and that they are happy.  


In the spring of this year I met up with a lady client who is a friend of the family and who I treated for weight loss back in late summer 2012. We hadn't seen this person for almost a year and it was a very pleasant surprise to see how she has successfully lost a of weight and managed to keep it off.


In the summer months I have treated clients for various presenting issues from stress management anxiety and low confidence and more with successful results.

In September and October I successfully treated two long term smokers, both ladies, one of whom is a returning client who I have been treating successfully for various presenting issues over the last year and a half and the other person who is a professional senior manager working in a fast paced  call centre in a high pressure environment. I have kept in touch with both clients and they inform me that they are still not smoking.


Earlier in the year back in July I treated a client for a fear of flying. Since our sessions together my client has gone on to fly to Spain on two separate occasions and has had absolutely no problems since. Hypnosis has certainly helped this client eradicate his fear of flying for good. Recently my client booked me in for some further sessions to help improve confidence on the ski slopes, prior to going off for an annual skiing holiday In January 2014.

Throughout my clients skiing holiday,I received regular feedback from my client advising me how much benefit the hypnosis sessions for improved skiing performance and confidence had made.

In the hypnosis sessions we used suggestion therapy and creative visualisation as the primary hypnosis approaches. Suggestion therapy is where indirect and direct suggestion is made under hypnosis and in the visualisation hypnosis sessions the client is encouraged under hypnosis to place themselves in the zone, a virtual reality world, visualising themselves engaging in the activity they are focusing upon and visualising and mentally rehearsing for success whilst positive suggestions about confidence, natural ability and no need to have any reason to fear, amongst others are being delivered whilst the client is in hypnosis. As a result my client was able to go beyond the nursery slopes onto skiing the more challenging slopes that he was not able to do previously. 

Here is a copy of text I received from my client

:-Hi trevor we are in our 2nd week now at Madisemo. The larichi runs we have spoken about, i have skied them with no problem!!!.The resort has had 7 metres of snow this season & they say if it doesn't snow anymore till may they will have enough.

Many thanks. L.

Hypnosis has the power to change lives for the better, the first step is making that choice. 


New testimonial added December 2013

This is a testimonial from a lovely lady called Gina who I helped quit smoking a short time ago.

"Hi Trevor.

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you - it's that time of year!

Hope this is ok.....

I had been smoking on/off for the past 23 years and managed to quit a few times in the past but started again when ever I was stressed or run down. I can't believe how easy it was to stop smoking and wish I had chosen hypnotherapy sooner. It's not something that I even think about anymore, it just doesn't come into my mind, even when I've had a drink, bad day or after a meal - the cravings have just vanished. I have so much more energy and I'm managing to do so much more during the day. I'm still amazed how easy it was to stop, I have never found quitting so easy. 

The relaxation mp3 is also really good and I have passed this onto my Mum who listens to it regularly and has helped her "put the spring back in her step"! 

Trevor is so generous with his time and has such a kind, reassuring and calm nature. I would recommend everyone tries a little hypnotherapy in their lives. 

Still feeling really good (as you can see from above) and have recommended you to so many people. I know there are definitely a couple of people who are thinking of contacting you in the New Year.

Many thanks for everything and wishing you a Happy Christmas.

Gina "

Do you wish you could quit smoking easily? You can with hypnosis. Why not give me a call today and let me help you. 

Call Trevor Wales on 01726 69703. 

I am on the Register of the CRSST. The central register of Stop Smoking Therapists

New testimonial added 20th March 2014 

New testimonial for weight loss and confidence received 15th March 2014


I have just received a wonderful testimonial in the form of a hand written letter from a fine young lady who I treated for weight loss and confidence in 2013.

The following is the transcription of Claire’s letter:-

Dear Trevor.

I am just writing   you a quick letter to say a massive thank you for all the support you gave me with my weight loss, not only did you give me support with understanding things when it came to eating and losing weight, you also helped me overcome my fear with lack of confidence within myself and my body.

I struggled so hard with accepting who I was, especially when I had nasty comments chucked at me, but now I have lost weight I can finally hold my head up high and feel good about my body and soul.

At first I couldn't see how hypnotherapy was going to help me achieve my goal! But my God it did and I can’t thank you enough for the ongoing help and support you gave me.

I still want to lose a little more but that will come in time, but the main thing in my life now is that I have my confidence back. Thank you.


Clare has given me her express permission to use her testimonial on my website fro the purpose of helping others understand just what hypnosis helped her achieve and what it can do to help others too.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to Clare for allowing me to cite her letter in its entirety. 


 Testimonial update added 31st March 2014

 Update of Quit smoking client testimonial at five months

I would like to share with you all my latest testimonial update from a client who I treated for quit smoking last year.

I have the full consent of my client, a lady called Gina who I treated in October last year to quit smoking.
This is what Gina had to say five months down the road.
What follows is the transcript of our text conversation:-Hi Gina. Trevor Wales hypnotherapy here. Just a courtesy check in to see how things have been since we last talked back in January and to ask if you are still listening to the quit smoking cd's to help re-enforce the original sessions. Please don't forget that you do have a free follow up support session should you need it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely. Trevor Wales Dip.Hyp 

Sorry i didn't reply yesterday Trevor, in the middle of decorating the house at the moment and didn't sit down until 11pm! 
Still doing really well, don't think about smoking at all. My life has really turned around and now have a new full time job in a surgery who are just lovely to work for, my dream job. I haven't needed to listen to the cd since you last came but will always keep it to hand.
kind regards Gina 

Lovely to hear from you Gina. That's fantastic news. May I ask your permission to use this a testimony on my pages please?

Yes of course you may use it as testimony. Thank you for all your help. I'm convinced that by not smoking anymore it has helped me become more in control of my life. I have so much more energy and self belief now and i think that has helped so much, especially in getting my new job. There were 93 applicants so i was over the moon when they offered the job to me!!

Thank you Gina. That's brilliant and thanks for giving me permission to use your feedback as testimony. I believe that by following up several months down the road that it is the surest way to know that my clients are truly happy with the service I have provided. I care about all my clients a great deal. Kind regards. Trevor Wales Dip.Hyp 

If you are a smoker who has tried everything to stop smoking and failed then perhaps it is time to look at hypnotherapy.
I am available for an initial free phone consultation of up to thirty minutes on 01726 69703

Trevor Wales. Dip Hyp.GQHP. GHR.CRSST.CNHC

New testimonial for confidence added 04/07/14 
A five star review from my Client Simone, taken from my advert

I really enjoyed working with Trevor Wales, I have always wanted to see a hypnotherapist for many years now for confidence, but never got round to doing it ,like many things in my life, so this year I made it my mission to stop talking about things and just do it.

Gaining confidence to be able to move on in my career was one of the main ones and that's when I decided to contact Trevor Wales , I have never looked back since that day.

The hypnotherapy sessions that Trevor wrote for me, are beautifully written, I listen to them every night, sometimes extra during the day, Trevor has related them to my personal life, like including my puppy and our walks together to the beach, which really made in real for me. I look forward to listening to the hypnotherapy session and always wake up feeling positive, energetic and stress free.

When I had a interview date for the job that I wanted, Trevor gave me great advice and support leading right up to my interview. During my interview, I did not feel anxious and felt very confident ,which I owe all to Trevor. I was successful and got the job that I wanted.

Trevor has always been there at the end of the phone and always has plenty of time to have a chat in between sessions. I Have a driving test coming up soon and I plan to arrange a hypnotherapy session with Trevor to help with my nerves.

The only regrets I have is not doing it sooner, thank you ever so much Trevor.

Simone Hills

  New testimonial for BWRT added 29/09/2014

Hi, I’m Gita from Vienna in Austria.

I want to tell you about Brain Working Recursive Therapy and how helpful it has been for me. I had been suffering from writers block, finding it difficult to find my creative spark and the self discipline to get down to the task of writing articles for my website.

I had been aware of BWRT for some time when I approached Trevor to help me with getting around writers block and I had read about how it could be a fast change therapy. I wondered if it was as good as it was claimed to be and as I had read numerous testimonials from other people who have benefited from this remarkable therapy I wondered if it could really work for me.

 During our session which was over Skype as Trevor is situated in the UK and I am in Austria, Trevor gave some explanations to me in simple terms about how the brain works and how it is essentially a pattern matching device sifting through billions of bits of data and constantly evaluating and updating information, Trevor went on to explain then how issues like fears, phobias, and problems like mine are created in the mind and become apparently hard to shift and he then explained how BWRT could be used as a fast effective method to create long term change to help overcome those issues. Well within just one session of around eighty minutes my problem was resolved and I knew I had felt a major shift in my beliefs about my ability to write. I felt much better and just wanted to get on and write and I have done plenty of writing since then. This was back in May of this year.

 To be certain that BWRT really had worked ,I wanted to test the effectiveness of Trevor’s work with me  over the coming weeks and  months and now as several months have elapsed I feel that I am completely satisfied enough to say something about the effectiveness of  Brain Working Therapy.

I have been satisfied that this is a therapy that has been able to produce the results over a long term period of time of several months and I can see little or no reason to suppose that it will not be permanent . I am really glad that I chose to take the chance and decide to try and see if it could help me and I am happy to say that it has done.

Thank you Trevor.


I was delighted to receive this most recent testimony. Natural therapies can often help in ways that conventional medicine is unable to help. If you have an issue or problem that is causing you trouble, wherever you are in the world I can most likely help you.
Please feel free to contact me on my website contact page or by phone or skype. You will find all of my details there.  

Trevor Wales. Dip Hyp. GQHP. BWRT. GHR. CRSST.CNHC

 New testimonial added 20th August 2015. 

Id like to share with you a recent email from a client I worked with around a month or two a go. The client was a gentleman who wanted to improve his game of golf and this is the email he forwarded on to me after using the hypnotherapy CD I recorded for him. This client had one consultation session and one hypnotherapy session and the email I received was around one month after. 


Hi Trevor
First of all I would like to thank you for helping me with my golf game, I am at a very interesting stage, in that a lot of positive changes are happening but anyone who plays golf will know that it will take a while to get used to these and get them all working together.
I am very impressed with the level of calmness I am able to experience not only while playing but during my normal day to day life as well.
I am very happy with the service I have had from Trevor, and considering how relaxed I feel in myself and the improvements I have noticed on the course it represents good value.



Falmouth. Cornwall.

 20th August. Missing Testimonial Content

Over the weekend of the 15th & 16th of August the company who host my website suffered a catastrophic failure to one if its servers and subsequently a lot of websites lost their data. Regrettably the company only have a back up extending back to March of this year and so some of the testimonial content has unfortunately gone. I do hope that I may somehow be able to recover this missing information and if so I will update this page with the missing information.

Trevor Wales. Dip Hyp. GQHP. BWRT. GHR. CRSST. CNHC.

 New testimonial added 27th January 2016


When I started my hypnotherapy practice in Cornwall in May of 2011 one of my first few clients was a lovely lady who I helped to quite smoking.Recently we had the opportunity to catch up with one another and I am delighted to say that she is still a non smoker.This is her testimony recently emailed over to me.

Hi Trevor.
Lovely to speak to you today.  Just attaching a testimonial.
"Many thanks to Trevor who helped me immensely with giving up smoking.  His kind and compassionate nature puts one immediately at ease.  Trevor has immense empathy and understanding. I highly recommend the professional service he offers."

Chris x

 New testimonial added 10th February 2016.


Apologies for this taking so long, work completely got in the way and it slipped my mind.  Attached is the survey as best as I could fill it out and at the bottom of this email is a testimonial.  If there's too much written, take out whatever you need.
Can I also request that it's kept anonymous?
Hope you are well.
Many thanks
Name removed

"I joined the Police early 2015 and throughout any officers two year probation there are a number of exams to pass. Whilst studying at the training college, all of the exams were successfully passed and at reasonably high grades.Once out and doing the actual job,it takes over and studying time HAS to be made.

The first exam out of the college being an Oral Exam and the hardest that we would have to do. We get three attempts and failure to pass results in a hearing with a recommendation for dismissal.I failed the exam twice and was beginning to question myself and my job knowledge and if I had made the right decision after all.I had 3 weeks before the final attempt and was only in Cornwall for 2 of those weeks. 

Hypnotherapy with Trevor was suggested and once he was I formed of my situation and time constraints, he made every effort to help me.He suggested BWRT to reduce my anxiety of the exam situation along with confidence hypnotherapy.I had one session of the BWRT and one hypnotherapy session where Trevor also provided me with an MP3 for me to continue to listen to prior to the exam and to continue to listen to.I feel as though, albeit time constricted, Trevor provided a fantastic service and went out of his was to help me.
And I passed my exam!"




New Testimonial added for BWRT.® 17th July 2016

I would like to share a new testimonial I have recently received from one of my clients who I worked with very recently.
My Client has given me permission to use their testimonial to promote the effectiveness of BWRT. My client's name has been removed to protect client confidentiality. 



"Trevor I cannot thank you enough for this session. I have had the most amazing week following my BWRT session. You've certainly delivered on the promises of BWRT and I can see and feel the effects of it spilling out into other areas of my life. I didn't know just how powerful this would be. As a psychologist I know that the subconscious is powerful but to one minute have such crippling thoughts about liaising with CEOs in the world if business, and then three hours later be able to pick up the phone with such confidence to pitch my ideas and cold call to these very people left me speechless. I've already recommended you to a friend with chronic anxiety! I've also found that I am able to tell people in a no nonsense but assertive way that I no longer need to work with them or use their services. The ability to state what you want in business is so important! I have also made other changes in my life which I know have happened as a result of this one powerful session.The aftercare is great too and you've checked in with me and sent me a fantastic relaxation recording! Well worth the money and time. "

E.- Therapist - London


If you are looking at therapy and have been considering hypnotherapy I would like to share some information about BWRT® as this dynamic new therapy tool is fast becoming the therapy tool of choice. 
Since 2014 I have been working with a new cutting edge therapy tool that has proved time and again to be fast, efficient and permanent. Here is a small sample from an information handout. 

What is BWRT®?

BWRT ® is the abbreviation of Brain Working Recursive Therapy.There is no other therapy in the world that is the same as BWRT®. Certified BWRT® Practitioners receive thorough training in this modern methodology and are completely conversant with the techniques needed to work effectively with a great number of human problems and difficulties, including:

Weight management

• Habits

• Relationship problems

• Stress and Anxiety

• Personal Confidence

• Social Phobia

• Fears

• Generalised Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D.)

• PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

• Depression

The exciting new cutting edge therapy model of BWRT has been developed by Terence Watts, a therapist, teacher, and writer with a long history of creating innovative therapeutic intervention - before BWRT® came Warriors, Settlers & Nomads, Life-Mapper ®, Symbio Dynamics®, M.A.G.I.C! ®, and Broadband for the Brain ®. All of those are still in use by therapists around the World; BWRT®, though represents a major event in psychotherapy and is rapidly growing in popularity - typing 'BWRT' into an internet search engine will show you that! BWRT® makes the  quickest  changes. There are many different styles of therapy available these days but there is nothing else like this one. It's totally safe and sometimes needs only a single session to resolve even apparently impossible problems - and many therapists are able to work with certain issues by Skype or telephone. Sometimes, shyness or embarrassment can prevent an individual from improving their life because they just can't contemplate the idea of a face-to-face session with a therapist... But now that fear can be consigned to the past.

Here is a  shortened link to a blog I wrote about BWRT detailing a case of a client I worked with in late 2015, early 2016 :-

What is BWRT® as a therapy?


Trevor Wales; Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified BWRT Practitioner. Find me under practitioners for Cornwall and the West Country on



 New Testimonial added for BWRT ® 25th August 2016

Cornwall BWRT® 

Another very positive review for Brain working Recursive Therapy  for fear of flying from a local client in St Austell. Names are removed for client confidentiality.


"I have always had an immense fear of flying and was terrified that I would pass this on to my own children. I had tried several different things in order to get on the plane and not have a panic attack, but nothing was working. The lead up to the event seemed to make the flight worse and I wouldn't sleep for weeks beforehand. I have just returned from my first holiday since a BWRT session with Trevor Wales and I am so glad that I did it. I have realised that the lead up is why I can't control my panic attacks. This time I didn't have any anxiety before the flight, even when we were queuing to get on the plane. I still took my prescribed diazepam too, but I was able to look out the window and speak to my children. This was something we discussed in the BWRT session as my new prefered response and it REALLY worked. My son threw up at one point and there is no way I could have helped him before. Looking to plan a longer flight now. I wish I had done it years ago."


BWRT is such an effective therapy for many different issues. It is fast, efficient and as far as has been gauged since 2014 when it first became more widely known is very often permanent for many many clients.BWRT uses the latest cutting edge understanding in Neuro Sciences. 

The exciting new cutting edge therapy model of BWRT has been developed by Terence Watts, a therapist, teacher, and writer with a long history of creating innovative therapeutic intervention - before BWRT® came Warriors, Settlers & Nomads, Life-Mapper ®, Symbio Dynamics®, M.A.G.I.C! ®, and Broadband for the Brain ®. All of those are still in use by therapists around the World; BWRT®, though represents a major event in psychotherapy and is rapidly growing in popularity - typing 'BWRT' into an internet search engine will show you that! BWRT® makes the  quickest  changes. There are many different styles of therapy available these days but there is nothing else like this one. It's totally safe and sometimes needs only a single session to resolve even apparently impossible problems - and many therapists are able to work with certain issues by Skype or telephone. Sometimes, shyness or embarrassment can prevent an individual from improving their life because they just can't contemplate the idea of a face-to-face session with a therapist... But now that fear can be consigned to the past.

Find me at under practitioners for Cornwall and the West Country




New client feedback added 24th Sep 2016
One of the joys of being a therapist is in helping people to make successful change in their lives and over the last few weeks  I have received several emails of thanks and narratives of clients positive improvements as to how they feel after therapy with me. 
All client details are removed to preserve client confidentiality.

This email from one of my most recent appointments this week.

Hi Trevor, I enjoyed my visit to you Friday hopefully you will be able to help me with some, most or maybe all of my issues? Do you want me to return the questionnaires back to you before my next visit?
best regards  

This from a client I worked with earlier this year with BWRT.

Hi Trevor ...Sorry I missed your call! I'm literally just moving into new house today & off on holiday on weds, so I did it .... Did up the house, sold it, found, bought & moved into another house ...exhausted but thrilled!!!! And I will be in touch asap now that  I can work on regaining some order in my life!!! But thanks for keeping in touch ...but dont worry because you're still on my 'to do' list on my wall so I won't forget!!! Hope you are well!!! And thanks!!


This in from one of my  hypnosis weight management clients who has given me permission to use this update

Hi Trevor.
Just wanted to share some success with you... I've just done a double dance fitness class. The first one was strictly steps which copies some of the dance steps from strictly. Very good exercise and was sweating by the end of the first dance! This class lasted 1 hr. Then second class was zumba... lots of movement and cardio exercise. Again this lasted 1hr. So this evening I have completed 2hrs of exercise.... absolutely shattered but very happy. Before I started hypnotherapy my evenings would be sat on sofa watching telly and eating fast food... never would I thought that I would be able to complete 2 hrs of exercise in 1 evening. When I first went Zumba I was out of breath within minutes and thought I wouldn't make it through the class... now I'm being asked to go advanced class and doing back to back classes. 

Thank you very much.

A week later from the same client.

Morning Trevor. Hope your ok. Just to update you... I've weighed myself this morning (first time for a while). I'm 18 6, so lost 4 pounds. The diet and exercising is going very very well. I've noticed as well that I've really gone off sweet food. Hope your well.

This from a hypnotherapy and BWRT client who I have been working with to help them overcome social anxiety.
"I am finding that I'm making significant steps forward using the techniques you've taught me and they're proving extremely effective when I work on them at my own pace. you've been a huge help and I can definitely foresee a time when my issues are no longer a problem. Thanks again for your assistance. I'm really glad I made the decision to seek help. Thanks again for all your help Trevor." 


 2nd November 2016 


This testimonial just received in from a lovely elderly lady I have been treating for an issue specific case of anxiety which is now very much under control.

Hello Trevor
It is now several weeks since our last session, and I know that you would like to know how I am getting along.
I have got on well with the discs, playing them in bed, just after "lights out". Indeed I have found them to be so relaxing that it is rare for me to be able to listen right through, without going off to sleep. Now I am beginning to wean myself off them. - I don't want to start relying on them like sleeping pills.
Now, for the reason we started hypnotherapy in the first place;- there would seem to be a distinct improvement. At such times when I might have experienced some anxiety, I now sit for a minute or two, close my eyes and summon up the relevant phrase, telling myself that I have absolutely no need to feel anxious. I steady my breathing and then, when I have that under control, I can continue to do what needs to be done.

Overall this has helped me to feel more positive. As long as I continue to do the physical exercises there is no reason to suppose that I will regress, but I shall always have the discs to rely on if necessary.

With thanks, and good wishes. 
St Austell

 26th October 2016

Anxiety. Confidence. Depression. Weight management. Motivation.

 New handwritten testimonial from a client  I started working with in October , November of last year. 

A client who I started working with late last year came to see me in November 2015 presenting with Anxiety, depression and lack of confidence. After successfully working through those issues we then went on to work with weight management which has also been very successful. I Just received this lovely testimonial in the post this morning. Hypnotherapy works!


"Dear Trevor.
For your portfolio in my words.
The hardest thing you will do is write down the phone number.
The rest, to change your life for the better is easy. Well worth doing. Can you afford to wait any longer to get your life back on track?
Thank you very much for your help. 
James "


24th Oct 2016 

New feedback received in October from a weight management client I have been working with for a few months


"Morning Trevor. I hope you're well. I've just weighed myself, fist time in couple of weeks. And good news, I'm now 17 10. This means I have lost 2 stone since starting with you. I'm very very happy with this progress. Going to work extra hard to get to 16 stone asap as 17 is my unlucky number! Have a great day. Thank you"


This week another update received Monday 31st October

"Good morning Trevor. Hope your well. I haven't weighed myself today but.... the compliments on weight loss continue and I've had to go to the supermarket this morning to buy a new belt as I had ran out of holes one my belt my trousers where falling down! When I first started my journey with you I was wearing size 40 inch trousers, today I'm in my 36. Thank you"

click here to read my blog on my clients fantastic achievement so far! 


 New testimonial for BWRT added 02nd Oct 2017

Cornwall BWRT® 

A testimonial from a client suffering with a condition of acute Misophonia.

What is Misophonia?  [Taken from Wikipedia]

Misophonia is literally "hatred of sound" and was proposed in 2000 as a condition in which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds. It is also called "select sound sensitivity syndrome" and "sound-rage".[1][2] Misophonia has no classification as an auditory, neurological, or psychiatric condition, there are no standard diagnostic criteria, it is not recognized in the DSM-IV or the ICD-10, and there is little research on how common it is or the treatment. Proponents suggest Misophonia can adversely affect ability to achieve life goals and to enjoy social situations. Treatment consists of developing coping strategies such as cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapy.

Very recently I successfully worked with a client using Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) who has suffered many years with this often troublesome and frustrating condition that caused anger and anxiety and was a constant intrusion into their life. In one session of BWRT® my client experienced release and resolution and after a week later when I called them everything was still absolutely fine.  

BWRT ®is a truly remarkable therapy that has enabled me to help a wide cross section of clients suffering from various conditions often in just a few sessions and the changes when monitored sometimes six months to a year later seem to be permanent.  

In fact, in Cape Town, South Africa, where BWRT® has since its introduction in 2014 become very widely used with both the public and medical profession, one of the development partners of BWRT® Rafiq Lockhat, Clinical Psychologist, in a recent follow up with his data base of clients has established that the therapy of BWRT® in a very high number of cases, statistics show the treatment to have an extremely high incidence of permanence.   


Here is a testimonial from my client after a week later since the client had their BWRT session with me at my therapy clinic in Duke St, St Austell:-


After suffering with Misophonia for longer than I can remember I can honestly say that BWRT has worked for me. It has really helped me with the condition. I've actually thought a few times to myself whilst sitting with people and hearing them eat just how much it's helped.

I've had no problems and if I were you, I would advertise it. It's quite a problem that people don't want to disclose.

I always used to dread sitting down at meal times with loved ones due to this condition. The sound of lips smacking and people eating with mouths open would churn my stomach and make me angry. The noise would resonate through me at very high volumes.

Since BWRT I've easily managed to sit down with family and enjoy meals. To be honest I actually don't give it any thought.

Hope your well. Take care and speak soon.




 New Testimonial added for BWRT ® 04th October  2017

Cornwall BWRT® 

Another very positive review for Brain working Recursive Therapy for fear of flying from a local client in St Austell.
This  is from my facebook page


A lovely testimonial from a client just in today! 

I recently received this lovely testimonial from a client I worked with using BWRT® to help conquer a fear of flying. Thats three succesful treatments just for fear of flying this year! I am delighted that BWRT® was able to help my client succeed but not all all surprised as many of my clients I have worked with using BWRT ® find a permanent and succesful resolution to their issues.



Please note that the following testimonial has been used with permission and slightly altered to preserve confidentiality.


"Hi Trevor,
Thank you for your text this morning. I have been meaning to contact you to let you know how it all went.

Prior to the flight I was feeling a bit anxious - but not as much as I have done in the past. I used your relaxation recordings in the days prior to travelling and I had a good night’s sleep the night before. Our flight from Gatwick to Los Angeles was really good and I felt calm when I got to the airport and calm for the duration of the flight – including take-off! I was able to chat and feel calm and at no point felt any sense of ‘panic’ as I previously have experienced. I felt completely able to do it, and my husband of 20 years said he has never seen me so relaxed on a plane before.

As you know it was a long flight ( over 10 hours) and I have never done that before largely because of my ‘fear’. I am happy to say that I got off that plane in Los Angeles and said I am no longer afraid of flying! This is truly a life-changing experience for me.

The flight home was also a positive experience. It was a night flight, so I used your sleep ending relaxation recording to try to get off to sleep. Unfortunately there was too much going on for me to get any sleep, but that wasn’t particularly a problem. There were periods of turbulence which I felt only mild nervousness about ( previously I would have been terrified).

As I said this has been life-changing and I now feel that the world has opened up to me. We don’t have any more plans to travel as yet but I feel capable to flying anywhere now. My mind-set has entirely changed

Thank you so much for your help. I am happy to recommend you to others for support around flying and to write a review that you can use in promotional materials.

With kind regards"

If you would like to overcome a fear of flying or anything else for that matter then please contact me to have an informal chat. You can contact me on 01726 69703 or 07740 190261 


 New testimonial added for Effective treatment of Insomnia with Hypnotherapy 16th November 2017

The lack of a good nights sleep can lead to all sorts of difficulties and problems in both our home lives and work lives as any sufferer knows only too well. There are several methods I work with that consistently produce very good results for most people most of the time. Hypnosis is a very helpful and effective method as is another coaching method which I use which is taught by the Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy. It is called broad band for the brain and a large number of insomnia sufferers tend to respond very well to this technique. 

There follows a brief transcript  of a text conversation I had with one of my most recent Insomnia sufferers who has responded very well in just one session to the hypnotherapy session they booked with me. When my client came to see me he was suffering with chronic stress related insomnia and found it almost impossible to get a good nights sleep. As you can see from the conversation we had by text today I think it went rather well.


Getting a good night's sleep is one of the fundamental cornerstones to good health. If your not sleeping well I can help you.

Good afternoon Mr C. 
This is Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions here. I just wanted to catch up with you and see how things are? 
Did you get that position you were going for and did you move? How are you sleeping?
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards. Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions 

My clients reply. 
Hey Trevor. Sleeping like a baby thank you, started my new job 10 days ago and really enjoying it, only down side that I’m back in London, Croydon! Couldn’t go from one extreme to another, but ha ho the moneys good. Thank you so much, you did the trick...Mr. C.

My reply
Brilliant. Could I use this as a testimonial please?

My clients reply.

No problem 

 New testimonial added 17 th January 2017

Just in from a very happy quit smoking client who was kind enough to send me her feedback after a few sessions of Hypnotherapy. I started working with this client in early November and this is what she had to say 

I thought Trevor Wales was fantastic really helped me through what i wanted to overcome and achieve, I didn’t even need all of my sessions and have been smoke free since! 
Very professional, welcoming and easy to speak to ! 
I have been smoke free since I finished my sessions with him and couldn’t thank him enough. Feel so much better about myself. 

 New Testimonial added for a Successful resolution of an eating disorder with Hypnotherapy. February 2018.



Here is some recent feedback from a client's parent of the outcome of helping his young lad to be able to eat solid foods again and below is the lads fathers testimonial which is a great positive testimonial for what hypnotherapy can do


"Hi Trevor. Finally got round to messaging you back.  
Anyway my son, I am glad to report has been trying quite a few different snacks which is amazing. No gagging of late. 
We are taking him to Tescos each week and letting him choose whatever he likes, to try. 
I think as we have such a busy Feb and March we will continue with this for now and look to book an apt in April. My Son has been asking after you and would like to come up and see you again. Just thought I'd keep you updated. 
Hope you are keeping well"

"I cannot recommend Trevor highly enough. I have a son with food phobia brought on by issues with his tonsils at a very young age. We decided to give hypnotherapy a try and I am please to say that the results after a few sessions are quite astounding. I would highly recommend this to anyone with a fear or phobia or just about any hurdle you would like to get over in life. I was initially slightly sceptical but I am very pleased that I have been proved wrong." 

S. E. Cornwall . January 2018.


 New testimonial feedback added 15th August 2018 

Read about how BWRT helped a client start eating Fruit and Veg which had been a lifelong issue since childhood

 New testimonial added 22nd October 2018


Another really lovely review from a weight management client I have been working with since July. Its really great when you can help people on their personal journey. Please note that my client has granted permission for their personal data to be shared. 



Every journey of a thousand steps starts with just one and the belief that you can do it


From this, Comfort eating, Emotional eating.  


To This. Back in control


 Using Weight Management Hypnotherapy.


My clients story below. Could this be you too? 


"Hi Trevor, did this for you and hope it's ok for you to use.

Hello to you all, I'm sure if your reading this you are having trouble with your weight as well. 

Let me tell you why I recommend Trevor. Well, first of all he has a calming tone in his voice and got a nice nature.

Secondly, the hypnosis works. I've spent years overeating, not really caring what I eat, buying from catalogues so I don't have to go to the shop then I found Trevor's site and never looked back.

Starting going beginning of July 2018, it's now end of October 2018.Weight loss so far 1 stone 4 pounds and three inches from bust and hips 4 from waist.

Trevor puts a lot of work into the program, gives you free monthly CD's which you can listen to which will calm you, and help you.I'm already a dress size lower and instead of drinking the bottle of wine don't want more than a glass.

 Feels a lot calmer and able to deal with stressful situations.

Highly recommend Trevor as a true professional.

Best of luck on your journey G"


Such a brilliant achievement all because my client decided to take back control and use the power of their mind to overcome the cravings, snacking and bad eating habits . Very Well Done Gill - Trevor Wales Hypnotherapy Solutions


New testimonial added 15th June 2019

Looking to make positive changes on a personal and professional level but find yourself not getting the results you want? 



Then SymbioDnamics (TM) might just be the Success Coaching you're looking for. SymbioDynamics M.A.G.I.C! Self development coaching course is the perfect coaching tool whether you need to improve aspects of your professional life or personal life.


Very recently I have just finished working, on line with a client, using the highly acclaimed and successful M.A.G.I.C ! Success Coaching method developed by Terence Watts of The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

I am very pleased to have received this super testimonial from this client who is one of my many clients who have undertaken the M.A.G.I.C! Professional self development course to create positive change in their lives

Read what one of my recent self employed entreprenuer  clients thought  about the impact that it had on their outlook and performance.

Please note full permission has been granted by my client to publish this review in accordance with GDPR and my professional bodies code of Ethics.

"Hi Trevor

Hope you're well this Monday and had a good weekend. 

As promised here's a review on our course work. All is going well this end for me. At the moment I feel I'm in a good place and have good balance going on. Thanks again and I will be sure to stay in contact." 

“In my late 30s I experienced some significant changes in my home and work life; I decided to leave full time work to pursue a better work life balance after a major life change. The emotional and financial strain left a lot of instability, lack of confidence and anxiety. Whilst I had long term goals of having a business and getting back into my advertising career to support my start up, I was overwhelmed with fear and lack of direction.

I was recommended Trevor when I was discussing a new business idea with young women at mutual friends birthday dinner. She had recently changed path of her career and had a session with Trevor to overcome her shyness and self-doubt. 

Her inspiring story and outgoing personality was so encouraging I then got in touch with Trevor who was very understanding and accommodating. He discussed a few methods to overcome the various challenges I was facing personally and professionally.

With a combination of hypnotherapy sessions and BWRT programmes I was able to regain my confidence, improve my public speaking and get my goals and business back in focus and on track. Trevor's approach to his work is extremely supportive, down to earth and created solely for you.

The audio recordings of his sessions are excellent and reassuring to know you have ongoing support when you need to. Whilst I was familiar with hypnotherapy to tackle singular obstacles like smoking or phobia's I have now experienced the positive effects for treating a range of emotional behaviours and blocks. Overall this experience from the sessions has been beneficial in my personal development and outlook."

Two new video testimonials added July 13th 2020

During lockdown I have kept active working Online with clients from around the world and in the UK. Therapy really can work very well online as much as Face to Face, so there really is no need to keep putting up with issues that limit you enjoying the life you want to live.
In December of last year I started training a student to become a fully Qualified Sanomentology practitioner and I also did some additonal Success coaching with them using the very popular SymbioDynamics ®  Success mentoring course M.A.G.I.C.
See what he has to say. 
 Edward Webb. Testimonial

The second video testimonial comes from a lady I worked with Online up in South East Kent. In the  therapy session work we did together which was quite in depth, I worked with BWRT level 2 and the outcome as you will see was very succesful.
See what she has to say 

In addition to the testimonials shown on this page here I also have a "My Local Services Listing" and I am pleased to say that I have 13 five star reviews across all categories 
You can read what people have to say by clicking on the picture bellow which will take you to my listing 

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Let me help you to create the life you want to live. My clients often tell me that what they like about my service is that I take the time to explain to them what therapy is all about and how it helps, so that it gives them a clear understanding in an easily understood way. They also say that they like my friendly relaxed caring approach. I am one of Cornwall most trusted therapists. Discretion and confidence assured.

Why not call me today to see how I can help you. Call  me on  01726 816947 or 07740 190261